3912 results found
Health topics
… get ringworm than adults. When adults do get infected, they often become carriers. This means they don't have symptoms … your family has the symptoms listed above, see your doctor. How is ringworm of the scalp or beard diagnosed? Your doctor … from spreading to others. But you need to use the shampoo along with the pills. By itself, the shampoo can't completely …
Health topics
… become ill with MERS after being around infected camels. How is it spread? Like most respiratory illnesses, Middle … person breathed out. Older adults and people who have a long-term health condition, such as lung disease, are most … Severe cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) often require a hospital stay, especially if breathing …
Health topics
… Nipple Shields for Breastfeeding Problems On this page: Overview … nipples or nipples that point in (inverted) instead of out. How do you know if you are using nipple shields the right … baby is latching on and feeding properly. Advise you on how long to use nipple shields. Offer tips on how to wean your …
Health topics
… (epididymal cyst) is a painless, fluid-filled cyst in the long, tightly coiled tube that lies above and behind each … What causes it? Although the cause of a spermatocele is often unknown, it may be caused by obstruction of the tubes … scrotum or a feeling of pressure at the base of the penis. How is it diagnosed? A spermatocele is usually diagnosed by …
Health topics
… and stressed about many everyday events and activities. Often the things you are worried about are small or not … people with this disorder have felt nervous or anxious as long as they can remember. Women are twice as likely as men … of generalized anxiety disorder is not known. Some studies show that it might be passed through the family (genetic). …
Health topics
… It’s safest for young people to delay drinking for as long as possible, but if you do choose to drink, it’s … to learn about alcohol, it’s effects on your body, and how you can reduce your risks. The less you drink, the lower your risks. On this page: How alcohol affects your health If you don’t want to drink …
Health topics
… of the disorder first appear in childhood. But problems often don't start until early adulthood. Treatment can be … disorder, the problems are severe, repeat over a long time, and disrupt your life. The most common symptoms … disorder, see a doctor. Don't try to diagnose yourself. How is borderline personality treated? Borderline …
Health topics
… and friends. But you're not so thrilled at the idea of the long cross-country flight from British Columbia to Quebec. … lag can happen to anyone. Your age, fitness, health, and how often you fly don't make a difference in whether you get it. …
Health topics
… more likely to get it. So are people who smoke or stand for long periods of time. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of … affect the legs. Symptoms may include swelling (often in the ankles), cramping, aching, a heavy feeling in … problems like itching, sores, or changes in skin colour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose venous …
Health topics
… look for certain diseases before any symptoms appear. Often, the earlier a disease is diagnosed, the more likely … your doctor whenever you have concerns about your health. How do you decide when to get a screening test? When and how … as diabetes, heart disease, or colon cancer. You have a long-term health problem, such as diabetes. When you are …