3901 results found
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… it may give you short-term relief from back and leg pain. How well do they work? For some people, the shots provide … may be helpful as you make important health decisions. I started feeling better soon after I had the shot. I was able … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to …
Health topics
… take to find relief and feel better: Talk to someone about how you're feeling . Staying in close connection with your … pregnancy Worry is a natural part of parenting - many women start to worry from the moment the stick turns blue! Some women, however, can develop an anxiety disorder during pregnancy. …
Health topics
… ) or inflammation of the tip of the penis (balanitis). How will you know if circumcision is right for your child? … person is well trained, uses sterile techniques, and knows how to manage your baby's pain during and after the surgery. … up to 2 weeks. Even though your baby's penis will likely start to feel better after 3 or 4 days, it may look worse. …
Health topics
… that you are taking the right dose. And you need to watch how much vitamin K you eat and drink. With a DOAC, you don't … serious bleeding by preventing falls and injuries. FAQs How do anticoagulants lower your risk of stroke? Atrial … lower your stroke risk depends on how high your risk is to start with. Warfarin has been used for many years to lower …
Health topics
… a side effect, rather than an allergic reaction. Tests can show if you have a penicillin allergy. What puts you at risk? … have desensitization therapy. In this type of therapy, you start taking small amounts of the penicillin and slowly increase how much you take. You do this under your doctor's …
Health topics
… my diabetes. Wow. My wife and I decided we need to change how we take care of ourselves. We walk every day. We eat … I feel more connected to the world than I did before." How did these people decide about their lives and their … doctor can decide what to treat and how to treat it. To start, you can think about questions like these: What do I …
Health topics
… the joint (debridement). Rotator cuff repair. This usually starts with debridement. The repair then involves sewing the … other health problems that may make surgery too dangerous. How does physiotherapy help treat rotator cuff disorders? … move your arm and shoulder. Physiotherapy helps you learn how to lift and carry objects and do other activities using …
Health topics
… . The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva. This condition comes on … affected side of your face. Increased sensitivity to sound. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may diagnose Bell's palsy … They work best if they are taken soon after symptoms start (within 3 days). Sometimes antiviral medicines may be …
Health topics
… because they can cause severe bleeding. These viruses started in Africa, and that is where most cases of the … ). How are the viruses spread? How a human first got one of these viruses is not known. … because they can cause severe bleeding. These viruses started in Africa, and that is where most cases of the …
Health topics
… know exactly what causes myofascial pain syndrome. It may start after: Strain or injury to the muscles, ligaments , or … These problems are common in people who have chronic pain. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose myofascial pain syndrome, … activities. Your doctor will also ask where the pain is, how long you have had the pain, what makes it better or …