3901 results found
Health topics
… is needed if your child has symptoms of nursemaid's elbow. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor usually suspects the injury from your report of how it happened, your child's symptoms, and results of the … at the elbow up toward the shoulder. Usually, your child starts feeling better right away. Sometimes, though, the …
Health topics
… and reassure her. Ask her what she needs from you. Show affection. Hold hands and give hugs. Help her make … as they get bigger. They may feel self-conscious about how their body is changing. But other women may want more … sick to her stomach. If you smoke, don't do it around her. Start a quit program if you can, or cut down on how much you …
Health topics
… know what things cause your angina. For example, you know how much activity usually causes your angina. Key points to … on several things, including which arteries are narrowed, how many are narrowed, and whether you have other health … I wanted to do everything I could to get healthier. I started exercising and eating better and taking medicines. …
Health topics
… and aches or pains in your lower back or belly. How is it diagnosed? Most cases of placenta previa are found … they have placenta previa until they have bleeding at the start of labour. A pelvic examination will be avoided unless … could injure the placenta and cause heavier bleeding. How is placenta previa treated? The kind of treatment you …
Health topics
… have a hard time sleeping and may not feel like eating. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are … They cannot afford the cost of doctor visits and treatment. How is depression treated in older adults? As in younger … may be more severe. Some antidepressants may take longer to start working in older adults than in younger adults. Older …
Health topics
… breast cancer, you need to talk to your doctor to find out how high your risk really is. A woman who has inherited a … is plenty of time to carefully think about options. FAQs How do you know if you are at high risk for breast cancer? … you may need to do this more often. You may also need to start younger, or have additional screening tests. This is …
Health topics
… of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, … oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). An example is selegiline. How do they work? There are many different types of … exactly as prescribed. And talk to your doctor before starting any new medicines. Taking too much antidepressant …
Health topics
… eyes to focus on objects at varying distances. Depending on how far away an object is, a muscle surrounding the lens in … What happens Near vision gets worse because of presbyopia starting around age 40. It gradually gets worse. Then it … fatigued. Presbyopia can also cause headaches or eyestrain. How is it diagnosed? Presbyopia can often be diagnosed with …
Health topics
… memory loss, or paralysis. A few people die from it. How is it spread? Most often, mosquitoes spread the virus by … West Nile have no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they start 2 to 14 days after the mosquito bite. Mild symptoms … especially if the infection has spread to your brain. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have …
Health topics
… bursts, or ruptures, it causes sudden, severe pain. How is it diagnosed? Aneurysms are often diagnosed by chance … as an ultrasound or CT scan to find out where it is and how big it is. How is an aortic aneurysm treated? An aortic … pass out, call 9-1-1 or other emergency services and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The emergency …