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Health topics
… include: Burning or stinging. Itching. Swelling. Throbbing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will first ask you about … areas on and around your vulva to see where the pain is and how bad it is. If your doctor sees a problem or any skin … skin. This may cause irritation and allow an infection to start. Avoid hot baths, and don't use soaps or bath products …
Health topics
… or use certain diabetes medicines that lower blood sugar. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you have … about your medical history and do a physical examination. How is type 2 diabetes treated? Treatment for type 2 … changes can make a difference, and it's never too late to start making healthier choices. Stay at a healthy weight. A …
Health topics
… high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes , and heart disease. How is it diagnosed? Cushing's syndrome can be hard to … on your adrenal glands, pituitary gland, or another organ. How is Cushing's syndrome treated? If long-term use of … help prevent weight gain. Talk to your doctor before you start any exercise program. Avoid falls, which can lead to …
Health topics
… It may bleed from time to time but cause no other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure … the anal canal. The doctor may wait until the fissure has started to heal before doing a rectal examination or … as inflammatory bowel disease or a weakened immune system . How can you care for yourself at home? If your doctor …
Health topics
… delivers the baby either by giving the woman medicine to start labour or by doing surgery ( caesarean section , or … help you feel strong as you heal. Talk to your doctor about how you are coping. He or she will want to watch you for … and call right away if the baby is moving less than before. How long should you wait before you try to get pregnant …
Health topics
… discharge than usual, or irregular menstrual bleeding. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose PID, your doctor will ask … to look for other possible causes of your symptoms. How is pelvic inflammatory disease treated? To treat PID, … Self-Care Rest as much as possible until your symptoms start to get better (usually a few days). Take a …
Health topics
… that affect many body systems. These problems may limit how well the child can do routine activities of daily life. … to term. This gives your baby the best chance for a healthy start. Getting vaccinated helps protect your baby after … any questions about the vaccine, talk with your doctor. How can you protect yourself? Take steps to reduce your risk …
Health topics
… infection To reduce the risk of infection: Ask your doctor how long you need to keep the area dry. Follow your doctor's … powder on incisions. Expose incisions to sunlight. You may shower 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Before you shower, cover … or you get a sunburn. How to change a bandage Before you start, make sure you have gauze pads, a box of medical …
Health topics
… You may have pain during the night and trouble sleeping. How are they diagnosed? To diagnose a rotator cuff disorder, … the shoulder. If needed, the doctor may order more tests. How are rotator cuff disorders treated? Treatment of a … (damage or irritation to the tendon ), the pain usually starts bit by bit, over the side of the shoulder and the …
Health topics
… spread quickly to other parts of the body. Most melanomas show up as a new spot or skin growth. But they can also form … may be sore, or it may itch or bleed. Most melanomas start as a new skin growth. But any change in the shape, … surface (especially bleeding), or colour of a mole. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check your skin for …