3901 results found
Health topics
… DFE each day. Most other women need 400 mcg DFE each day. How much do women need? Folic acid is measured in micrograms … that is right for you. Follow your doctor's advice about how to get higher amounts of folic acid. Don't just take … planned. And the birth defects that folic acid can prevent start to form in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is …
Health topics
… and smaller ulcers tend to heal faster than larger ones. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose venous skin … to find out what is causing the ulcer. This test shows how well blood is moving through the lower leg. Your … the ulcer if it does not heal within a few weeks after the start of treatment. How is a venous skin ulcer treated? The …
Health topics
… slowly. Wet AMD happens suddenly and is more severe. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can usually detect AMD by … These tests let your doctor check for signs of the disease. How is macular degeneration treated? There is no cure for … damage to your central vision . But in most cases, wet AMD starts again. The main treatment for wet AMD is a medicine …
Health topics
… is genetic, you may see fatty bumps under your skin. How is this problem diagnosed? A blood test is used to … 5.6 mmol/L. Very high when they are 5.6 mmol/L or higher. How are high triglycerides treated? A healthy lifestyle can … for you. Be active on most days of the week. Before you start to be more active, check with your doctor to be sure …
Health topics
… pregnancy may cause early or severe morning sickness . How can you tell if you're carrying more than one baby? A fetal ultrasound can show how many babies are in your uterus. Your doctor or … the healthier your babies will be. Go to every checkup. Starting in the 20th week of pregnancy, you may have a …
Health topics
… not all surgeons do the procedure. And studies haven't yet shown how well the devices work over the long term. How well does … so I wouldn't have to deal with the leg pain and could start walking again! Clare, age 70 The pain, numbness, and …
Health topics
… tests. Or, you may want to have a diagnostic test which shows for sure if there is a birth defect. If you know that … that your baby has a birth defect. If one of these tests shows a higher-than-normal chance of a birth defect, you … But since I can have the screening tests, I've decided to start with that and then make a decision about amniocentesis …
Health topics
… vary from province to province. Talk with your doctor about how much vitamin D you need. Health Canada recommendations … dietary allowance (RDA) Talk with your doctor about how much and what sources of supplements are right for your … expect. Some drug interactions are dangerous. Before you start taking calcium and/or vitamin D, tell your doctor …
Health topics
… (edema) in your legs, ankles, feet, and belly. Chest pain. How is it diagnosed? It can be hard to diagnose pulmonary … for what's causing the high blood pressure in your lungs. How is pulmonary hypertension treated? Treatment can help … Be as active as you can. Talk to your doctor before you start a new activity. Your doctor can help you choose a safe …
Health topics
… makes too much thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone controls how your body uses energy, also called metabolism. When you … sweaty, and losing weight, even if you are eating normally. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … treatment should be. Treatment for hyperthyroidism usually starts with these treatments: Antithyroid medicines. These …