3901 results found
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… you used to have. The symptoms may be mild to severe. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often diagnose … help make sure another disease isn't causing your symptoms. How is osteoarthritis treated? Treatment for arthritis … easier on your joint. Treatment with medicines usually starts with over-the-counter medicines. Your doctor also may …
Health topics
… diabetes medicines can cause low blood sugar levels. Learn how to recognize and manage high and low blood sugar levels. … about blood sugar, exercise, diet, and medicines. Teens especially may have a hard time keeping their blood … Confusion. If blood sugar continues to drop, you may start to have more severe symptoms. You can test for ketones …
Health topics
… intercourse, lower belly pain, and changes to your period. How are they diagnosed? If you see your doctor for pelvic … pelvic ultrasound to see if the cyst is filled with fluid. How are functional ovarian cysts treated? Most functional … functional ovarian cyst. Current use of medicine to start ovulation. Use of low-dose progestin-only …
Health topics
… lining builds up and stays that way, then cancer cells can start to grow. What are the symptoms? Abnormal or unexpected … include pain or a lump in the pelvic area and weight loss. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your medical … of the lining of the uterus to look for cancer cells. How is endometrial cancer treated? Treatment for endometrial …
Health topics
… new and happen almost daily for a few weeks, see a doctor. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor suspects ovarian cancer, … An ovary is removed so it can be checked for cancer cells. How is ovarian cancer treated? Treatment for ovarian cancer … your risk for ovarian cancer. But it will cause you to start menopause early, which may have other risks. Your …
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… such as steroids. Or you are taking steroids now or plan to start taking a long-term course of them. If any of those … depends on what your risk of a fracture is and how you feel about the pros and cons of your options. There … doctor will probably ask you to check in over time to see how that plan is working. Having your doctor keep track of …
Health topics
… procedures can or should be done at an outpatient centre. How can you know if the outpatient centre is trustworthy? … of outpatient services in your area. You may want to start your search by talking with your doctor about your … to a major hospital, in case you need emergency care. How far away is the hospital? Can you get all the care you …
Health topics
… (dizziness), and weakness, and chest pain (angina). How is it diagnosed? When your doctor suspects that you have … You may have other tests to help your doctor see how well your heart is working. How is mitral valve … heart, like sodium, alcohol, and sugar. Be active but don't start an exercise program on your own without talking with …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview How can pressure injuries be prevented? Relieve pressure on … other treatments for pressure injuries and other wounds. How can you tell if a pressure injury is healing as it … as pressure injuries, are easy places for infections to start. Your doctor will be watching for signs of infection, …
Health topics
… incontinence , you may have symptoms of both problems. How is urinary incontinence diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about what and how much you drink. He or she will also ask how often and … incontinence . What Happens Urinary incontinence usually starts gradually and slowly becomes worse. As it gets worse, …