3901 results found
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… those young cells don't mature like they should, they can start to grow abnormally and out of control. Then they can … you may have pinpoint spots under the skin from bleeding. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical … to learn more about the type or subtype of leukemia it is. How is AML treated? Treatment for AML usually has two steps. …
Health topics
… risks may not be worth it for people who have few symptoms. How well does catheter ablation work? Catheter ablation … tachycardia (SVT) and the symptoms it causes. How well it works can depend on the type of SVT. These … may be helpful as you make important health decisions. I started having episodes of really fast heartbeats 2 years …
Health topics
… And you can't control the constant dribbling of urine. How is the cause of urinary incontinence in men diagnosed? … caused by more than one problem or if the cause is unclear. How is it treated? Treatments are different for each person. … of overflow incontinence may include: A urine stream that starts and stops during urination. An accidental release of …
Health topics
… Depression, stress, and anxiety can also cause the problem. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor can find out if you have … doing a physical examination. Your doctor will want to know how often the problem happens. Lab tests, and sometimes … and other hormones and for blood sugar. Your doctor may start treatment with pills. But you may get more tests if …
Health topics
… trouble getting pregnant is the first sign of fibroids. How are they diagnosed? To find out if you have fibroids, … You may have blood tests to look for other problems. How are uterine fibroids treated? If you have fibroid … rapid growth of fibroids. Fibroids do not grow before the start of menstrual periods (puberty). They sometimes grow …
Health topics
… ready to let it out. The most common type of bladder cancer starts in the inner layer of the bladder. It is called … cancer can also cause pain in the lower back and pelvis. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your medical … will be done to take a biopsy or remove the tissue. How is bladder cancer treated? Treatment for bladder cancer …
Health topics
… and lose weight. In most people, the symptoms come and go. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose ulcerative colitis, a … such as Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. How is ulcerative colitis treated? Medicines can help reduce … help with the treatment so that your child can feel better, start growing again, and lead a more normal life. Learn more …
Health topics
… cervical cancer? Cervical cancer occurs when cancer cells start growing in the tissues of the cervix . The cervix is … during sex. There may also be abnormal vaginal discharge. How is it diagnosed? During a pelvic examination, you may be … test or a human papillomavirus (HPV) test. If the results show abnormal cells or signs of high-risk HPV, you may need …
Health topics
… to have symptoms at night when you're trying to sleep. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may ask about your … take the medicine, your doctor will probably diagnose GERD. How is GERD treated? Treatment starts with changing your habits and taking over-the-counter …
Health topics
… knee may feel unstable, and you may have trouble moving it. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose an ACL injury, the doctor … will do a physical examination and ask questions about how you injured your knee. The doctor will check your knee … after the injury. Call your doctor today if: Your knee starts to swell within 2 hours of the injury. You hear or …