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Health topics
… Pain may range from mild to severe or dull to sharp. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may do a pelvic examination … such as blood and urine tests to check for infection. How is chronic pelvic pain treated? Treatment for chronic … to painful. Pain interferes with your daily activities. You start to have pain during intercourse. You have painful …
Health topics
… remember CVS is done in the first trimester. If the test shows a serious health problem, you have more time to decide … Others choose to have CVS in their first trimester. If it shows a serious problem, they have more time to make … with Down syndrome. I understand that at my age, the risk starts to go up. I had a second cousin with Down syndrome, …
Health topics
… spot problems early. And it can help you feel better about how your child is doing. Talk with your doctor about any … ability to think, learn, and remember. Your child will start to remember recent events and actions, understand … Problems Vision Screening and Eye Exams for Children and Teens Abusive Head Trauma Biting Body …
Health topics
… or a procedure is a better choice if you care a lot about how your legs look. Home treatment won't change the look of … you may not like the way the veins make your legs look. How are varicose veins treated? You can treat varicose veins … have that brown skin, you can really see my veins. I also started to wonder if the veins were related to the aching I …
Health topics
… done this surgery many times. Talk to your doctor about how many GERD surgeries he or she has done. After surgery, … lining the esophagus. In rare cases, it may lead to cancer. How is GERD treated? Treatment usually starts with lifestyle changes—such as quitting smoking and …
Health topics
… such as being very thirsty or having blurred vision. How is it diagnosed? The oral glucose tolerance test is used … between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. footnote 1 How is gestational diabetes treated? Controlling your blood … been exercising regularly, talk to your doctor before you start. Check your blood sugar levels. Do a home blood sugar …
Health topics
… levels of liver enzymes in your blood and a biopsy shows no signs of liver damage. People who have had an organ … if the virus is still active in your body and to find out how well your liver is working. FAQs What is chronic … problems. Others may not need medicine right away, but will start taking antivirals later if tests show that the virus …
Health topics
… rates drop below a certain level, preventable diseases show up again. Often these diseases are hard to treat. For … Pneumococcal disease. Polio. Rotavirus. Immunizations start right after birth, and many are given throughout a … enroll your child in daycare or school, you may need to show proof of immunizations. Your child may also need the …
Health topics
… Yes Body piercing concern No Body piercing concern How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 … problem for more than 2 weeks Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care … a spleen. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction  can start within minutes of eating or being exposed to an …
Health topics
… Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe, based on how often breathing stops during sleep. For adults, … often snore loudly, gasp or choke, or toss and turn. How is sleep apnea diagnosed? Your doctor will examine you … restless body movements. As breathing resumes, loud snoring starts. This may happen many times during a night. The more …