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3901 results found
Health topics
… as first-, second-, third-, or fourth-degree, depending on how many layers of skin and tissue are burned. The deeper … and bones. These burns always require medical treatment. How serious a burn is depends on several things, such as: … debris is still in the wound, clean it again. If the wound starts to bleed, put direct, steady pressure on it. If a …
Health topics
… your health, work, school, and relationships. It can change how well you make decisions, how well you think, and how … or text 45645 (4 p.m. to midnight ET). Kids or teens can call Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text … you, especially if you stopped using the drug and then started using again. You may not be able to handle the same …
Health topics
… get excellent care. And if your condition changes, you can start curative treatment again. But if your illness is … Also, share your advance care plan with your doctor. How do you talk with your loved ones about your end-of-life … type, the severity of the recipient's medical condition, how long the recipient has been waiting, and geographical …
Health topics
… Treatment depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. How long ago the injury occurred. Your age, health … may be true: The bleeding slows or stops with pressure but starts again if you remove the pressure. The blood may soak …
Health topics
… better understand hip problems, it may be helpful to know how the hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in … problem depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. Your age, general health, and activities … a hot water bottle or warm towel may feel good on your hip. Start normal activities and gentle stretching. After 48 to …
Health topics
… ). Growing pains are common among fast-growing children and teens. Doctors don't know why children have growing pains. … moving the leg normally. Yes Leg problem No Leg problem How old are you? Less than 5 years Less than 5 years 5 years … numbness or weakness in the whole leg or foot When did it start? Think about when you first noticed the weakness or …
Health topics
… may feel a pop and sudden pain when the fracture occurs. How is it diagnosed? X-rays are usually used to diagnose a fracture. How is an avulsion fracture treated? Small fractures are … or other physical activities may depend on many factors. How long it takes to recover depends on where the injury is, …
Health topics
… Overview These are the tests you may need and how often you should have them. footnote 1 The tests may … have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. A1c blood test. This test shows the average level of blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 … sugar levels have been staying within your target range. How often: Every 3 to 6 months Goal: A blood sugar level in …
Health topics
… the details of where you can breastfeed or pump, and decide how you will store your breast milk. Also, plan for how often you will need to breastfeed or pump and how long it will take. To limit the number of breaks you …
Health topics
… for foods that contain carbohydrate. It helps you know how much these foods raise blood sugar. Carbohydrate raises … rise less. High-glycemic foods make blood sugar rise more. How does it work? Foods in the index are ranked by number. … as carbohydrate counting. Counting carbs helps you know how much carbohydrate you're eating. The amount of …