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Health topics
… much parathyroid hormone (PTH). This hormone helps control how much calcium is in your blood. When a parathyroid gland … Feeling thirsty and having to urinate more than usual. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor does a blood test to check … is the main sign of this condition. A routine blood test showing a high calcium level is often the first sign of …
Health topics
… one or more of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close too soon: If only one suture … can make the baby develop more slowly than other children. How is it diagnosed? You or your doctor may notice that your …
Health topics
… the cause of these irregularities. But current research shows they may be inherited. What are the symptoms? Children … when touched. Refuse to eat certain foods because of how the foods feel when chewed. Be oversensitive to odours. … manner over and over or prefer only to watch TV or videos. How is it diagnosed? Experts recommend that children who …
Health topics
… Severe lack of sodium may lead to seizures or a coma. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose hyponatremia, your doctor … a blood test to check on the sodium levels in your blood. How is hyponatremia treated? Your doctor may treat the … salt to your diet or drink electrolyte replacement drinks. How can you prevent it? Follow your doctor's directions for …
Health topics
… can use this information to come up with an activity plan. How active are you? Describe what you do to stretch, strengthen, and move your body. Write down how often and how long you do each activity. What would you like to do? …
Health topics
… and they don't spread disease or have anything to do with how clean someone is. And you can learn how to treat lice at home. How are they diagnosed? The first sign of head lice may be …
Health topics
… growths or lumps in the thyroid gland . This gland controls how your body uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not … symptoms of hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone). How are they diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you have a … will ask you if you have symptoms or about any changes in how you've been feeling. You may have tests to see how well …
Health topics
… often than usual, or a change in the way your stool looks. How are they diagnosed? Most colon polyps are found during … had any polyps, routine follow-up testing is important. How often you need it will depend on what kind of polyps were found, how many, and other issues. How are they treated? Doctors …
Health topics
… symptoms? Symptoms of Hirschsprung disease can depend on how severe the problem is and how old the child is. Most newborns pass stool within the … to eat. Constipation. Not gaining weight or growing. How is it diagnosed? Most children who have Hirschsprung …
Health topics
… Or you may have hearing problems or feel a little dizzy. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … doctor will look in your ears. The doctor also may check how well you hear. How are blocked eustachian tubes treated? Blocked eustachian …