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Health topics
… child has HIV, it doesn't mean that he or she has AIDS. How do children get HIV? Children can be exposed to the … sexual contact can also expose children to the virus. How is HIV diagnosed? HIV is diagnosed with blood tests. If … Children who go to the doctor with HIV-like symptoms. How is HIV treated? The treatment for HIV is a mix of …
Health topics
… become open sores, become infected, or increase in size. How is it diagnosed? Actinic keratosis is diagnosed through … may take a sample of your skin and test ( biopsy ) it. How is actinic keratosis treated? How is it treated? Your doctor may recommend one of these …
Health topics
… Some ganglions can weaken your grip or affect joint motion. How are they diagnosed? A ganglion can usually be diagnosed based on how it looks and where it is. Your doctor will also feel the … examined. In rare cases, an MRI or ultrasound may be done. How are ganglions treated? Ganglions usually don't need …
Health topics
… receive the type of device that works best for your needs. How does a VAD work? The device pulls blood from the heart … For example, if you begin to walk, the device increases how much blood it pumps. Your doctor will tell you if your … see you regularly at follow-up visits. They will teach you how to care for your VAD at home and how to prevent …
Health topics
… since the condition may affect muscles used for breathing. How is it diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical examination … have other tests, such as tests to check the spinal fluid. How is acute flaccid myelitis treated? There is no cure for … problems breathing, you may need care in the hospital. How can you protect yourself? You can take steps to help …
Health topics
… happen most often in people with psoriatic arthritis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize … scalp, and nails. Special tests usually aren't needed. How is nail psoriasis treated? Psoriasis of the nail can be … months. New, healthy nails may need up to a year to grow. How can you care for your nails? Soak your nails before you …
Health topics
… the soles of your feet. The itching may be worse at night. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … medical history. You may have blood tests or other tests. How is cholestasis of pregnancy treated? Your doctor may … as possible, your doctor may recommend an early delivery. How can you care for yourself ? Be safe with medicines. Take …
Health topics
… milk supply or hyperlactation. Many things influence how much milk you produce. The two most important things are how often you breastfeed or pump your breasts and how well your breasts are emptied. So the more often you …
Health topics
… inconvenient, but they're not dangerous. And you can learn how to treat them at home. What are the symptoms? Pubic lice … in your eyelashes, your eyes can get crusty or irritated. How are pubic lice treated? It's important to treat pubic … for you. You can also talk to the pharmacist to understand how to use a medicine and make sure that it is safe for you. …
Health topics
… Overview Genes influence your weight by their effect on: How calories are used (energy metabolism). Some people use … to store as fat. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) , which is how much energy you burn when you are at rest. If you have a … (satiety), and appetite are body signals that tell you how much to eat. These signals also can be influenced by the …