3954 results found
Health topics
… children have an umbilical hernia at birth. The hernia usually isn't painful or dangerous, and it often closes on its … creating a hernia. Experts don't know why the hole sometimes doesn't close. What are the symptoms? An umbilical … your child is vomiting, has pain, or has a swollen belly. How is it diagnosed? Doctors usually can tell that a child …
Health topics
… and treatment as best you can and take part in making all decisions about your care. Talk to everyone who is … "better." Find out why a test or treatment is needed and how it can help you. You might be better off without it. If … if you need to finish the bottle of medicine or if you can stop taking the medicine when you feel better. Ask if you …
Health topics
… rather than let fear or hopelessness take hold. Imagine how you want to feel 6 or 12 months after surgery—strong and … with thinking negative thoughts, expecting the worst, or feeling powerless, try any of these exercises for a few … past day. These can be large, like getting a raise, or small, like "I talked with an old friend today." Describe the …
Health topics
… away. What causes it? The kidneys have tiny blood vessels called glomeruli that filter waste and extra water from the … fluid buildup). Foam when urinating. Loss of appetite. How is it diagnosed? Doctors diagnose nephrotic syndrome … or even for the rest of your life. If treatment doesn't stop the kidney damage, you may develop chronic kidney …
Health topics
… you get to the toilet. This can lead to urine leakage, called incontinence. Overactive bladder is very common in … treatment. Don't be afraid to talk with your doctor about how to control your overactive bladder. What causes it? … to find out if they could affect your bladder. But don't stop taking your medicine without talking to your doctor …
Health topics
… an Insulin Pump? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your Decision 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get … program it to match your changing schedule. After you learn how to work with a pump, it can make living with diabetes … once every 2 or 3 days. With a pump, you don't have to stop what you're doing and pull out a syringe or an insulin …
Health topics
… connected and capable of living well with your condition. How can you get support when you have a chronic condition? … who are going through the same things you are. They're called peer groups. In a peer group, you'll see that you're not alone. Others have similar feelings and challenges. Group members can give you support, …
Health topics
… Bowel Resection On this page: Surgery Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It … removes tissue or part of an organ. Bowel resection , also called partial colectomy, removes a diseased or damaged part … 6 very small incisions instead of one large one. Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several …
Health topics
… lower blood sugar, their blood sugar may get too low at times. Low blood sugar may happen if your child: Takes too … medicine. Skips or delays a meal or snack. Is more physically active than usual without eating enough food. Takes a … period. This causes hormonal changes that may affect how well insulin works. Low blood sugar levels can develop …
Health topics
… used for transfusions in Canada are very safe and generally free from disease. Donated blood is carefully tested … quickly. A severe transfusion reaction can be deadly. How is blood collected? Blood banks collect blood from … properly increases the time it takes for bleeding to stop (increased bleeding time). Transfusion with platelets …