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Health topics
… and may have a limited range of motion. You may eventually develop osteoarthritis in the knee. If you do exercises … to the point that you feel pain. Talk to your doctor about how to best progress through the exercises. The exercises … you. Check with your doctor before you do any exercises. How do I do ACL exercises? Quad sets, straight-leg raises, …
Health topics
… a doula or support person with you may reduce your labour time. And you might be less likely to need pain medicines. … friends, doctor, midwife or hospital for recommendations. How can a doula help during labour? A doula's job is to help … your birth preferences. Teach you about what to expect and how to prepare for labour. Listen to your concerns. Answer …
Health topics
… Surgery? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your Decision 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get … than half last for 25 years or more. But this can depend on how much stress you put on the joint and how well your new … may find it easier to climb stairs, walk without getting tired, and do other activities that you did before surgery. …
Health topics
… are: Kidney . Liver . Heart . Pancreas . Lung . Small intestine . More than one organ can be transplanted at one time. For example, a heart and lung transplant is possible. … a good candidate for an organ transplant. If your tests show that you're a good candidate, you may be able to get a …
Health topics
… fluid either leaks slowly or gushes out. You may hear it called "having your water break." When this happens before … it's important to call your doctor or midwife right away. How is it treated? You will likely stay in the hospital so … you may be given medicines to delay labour. This is sometimes done so that the other medicines you were given have …
Health topics
… well. When stillbirth occurs before labour, a doctor usually delivers the baby either by giving the woman medicine … help you feel strong as you heal. Talk to your doctor about how you are coping. He or she will want to watch you for … have counselling for support and to help you express your feelings. It may help to create a memory book of your …
Health topics
… of the wrist? A scaphoid fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also … and follow-up, most scaphoid fractures will heal over time. Without treatment, and sometimes with treatment, … are not treated properly can lead to long-term problems. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions …
Health topics
… a good way to find out if your baby is doing well. It can show if there is a problem. Monitoring may be done all the time during labour (continuous) or at set times …
Health topics
… disease is a type of pneumonia . It is caused by bacteria called Legionella pneumophila . The bacteria got its name in … have pneumonia. You can get Legionnaire's disease at any time of the year, but more cases are usually found in the … a less severe, flu-like condition known as Pontiac fever. How are they spread? People usually get Legionnaires' …
Health topics
… you. Aggressive behaviour. Other symptoms may include: Feeling empty inside. Problems with anger, such as violent … disorder, see a doctor. Don't try to diagnose yourself. How is borderline personality treated? Borderline … counsellor as caring one minute and cruel the next, especially when he or she asks you to try to change a behaviour. …