3957 results found
Health topics
… Tools Benefits of Breastfeeding Planning to Breastfeed How to Breastfeed Your Health and Nutrition Feeding Patterns … How you feed your baby is your decision. Your thoughts and feelings about it are an important part of the decision. … latch is painful and frustrating. It causes some women to stop breastfeeding. The steps to get your baby latched on …
Health topics
… include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. How are they diagnosed? To diagnose migraines, your doctor … if you are taking medicine more than 2 days a week to stop a headache. Taking medicine too often may cause … headache can last from 4 to 72 hours. Muscle aches or feeling very tired may last for up to a day after the …
Health topics
… Information Overview Growing older often means getting tired faster and moving slower than before. But some older … activities become hard to do. This may be a health problem called frailty. Frailty is more than just "slowing down." An … Experts think frailty develops because of changes in how the body works. These body changes are more likely to …
Health topics
… and following instructions. But if your child learns how to overcome or adapt to their symptoms, they can develop … reminders and repetition. For example, brushing teeth eventually becomes a habit when you repeatedly remind the child to … may place a blue note in your child's study area that says "Stop, slow down, and think." Make a list of your child's …
Health topics
… of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, … how the immune system responds, and this helps slow or stop inflammation . And because inflammation plays a role in … skin rash. Other side effects include flu-like symptoms and feeling tired. General information about side effects All …
Health topics
… withdrawal is a problem that can happen if you stop taking or reduce the dosage of your antidepressant too … They usually only last a week or two. Symptoms may include feeling like you have influenza (flu). You may: Feel very … your skin. Feel anxious. Feel irritable. Have a low mood. How is antidepressant withdrawal treated? First, it's …
Health topics
… Most nosebleeds aren't serious. They usually can be stopped with home treatment. Most nosebleeds occur in the … problem? Yes Nosebleed problem No Nosebleed problem How old are you? Less than 4 years Less than 4 years 4 years … shock. These include: Passing out (losing consciousness). Feeling very dizzy or light-headed, like you may pass out. …
Health topics
… now I had a health problem that wasn't going to go away." Feeling like a "heart patient" The heart attack and heart failure changed how Joan saw herself. For months, she wasn't able to take … walk a short distance. I was so out of breath, I had to stop three times to sit on the curb while I was trying to go …
Health topics
… feel better. You have problems sleeping. Or you may wake up feeling tired or not rested. It may be harder for you to … with ME/CFS, and it can make your other symptoms worse. How is it diagnosed? To be diagnosed with ME/CFS, you must … activity takes and how long you can do that activity. You stop when you reach that time, and then take a break. Not …
Health topics
… better, handle stress better, and keep your mind sharp. How much physical activity do you need for health-related … heavy grocery bags more easily, pick up children without feeling as much strain, or do more downhill ski runs before you get too tired and have to stop. Making your muscles stronger includes: Resistance …