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Health topics
… a Sleep Study? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your Decision 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get … Your bed partner may notice that while you sleep: You stop breathing. You often snore loudly. You gasp or choke. … needed) and sleeping on your side—may reduce your snoring. How is sleep apnea treated? Treatment for sleep apnea can …
Health topics
… have some bleeding and afterpains as your uterus shrinks. How can you care for yourself? It is easy to get too tired … 5 or 6 weeks. If you take a long car trip, make frequent stops to walk around and stretch. Do not rinse inside your … Postpartum Depression . Get support from others If you're feeling tired or overwhelmed, talk to your partner, friends, …
Health topics
… during each trimester. For example, women may be very tired during the first and third trimesters. During the … and reassure her. Ask her what she needs from you. Show affection. Hold hands and give hugs. Help her make … of their pregnancy. Talk to your partner about how she is feeling, and be open to changes in how you express intimacy. …
Health topics
… symptoms. These can include having headaches or being tired all the time. Anyone can get generalized anxiety … of generalized anxiety disorder is not known. Some studies show that it might be passed through the family (genetic). … have a hard time controlling your worry. Symptoms include: Feeling tired or cranky. You may have a hard time
Health topics
… exertion scale Last updated November 1, 2016 One way to see how much progress you’re making in your physical activity is … While you’re doing an activity, think about your overall feelings of physical stress, effort and fatigue. Don’t … have to push yourself. It feels very heavy and you’re very tired. 18     19 Very, very hard For most people, this is …
Health topics
… Overview Health Tools Signs That a Child Is Being Bullied How Children Can Discourage Bullying What Children Should Do if They Are Bullied How Adults Can Help Stop Bullying The Role of Schools in Bullying Related … others. These children often respond to being bullied by feeling anxious and aggressive. Without knowing how to …
Health topics
… in one person may not have the same effect on someone else. How can you avoid triggers for sudden heart failure? Watch … ankles are more swollen than usual and if you feel more tired than usual. Note anything that you ate or did that … If you become short of breath or dizzy or have chest pain, stop, sit down, and rest. Do not exercise when you do not …
Health topics
… What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea means that breathing stops for short periods during sleep. When you stop … Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe, based on how often breathing stops during sleep. For adults, … What are the symptoms? The main symptoms of sleep apnea are feeling extremely sleepy during the day, not feeling rested …
Health topics
… have more energy, and manage your weight and your stress. How can you safely start an exercise program? Making a plan … to cut back on your exercise if you are too tired or aren't feeling well. Exercising safely Regular exercise can have … Also avoid heavy lifting. Be aware of your symptoms. Stop exercising and rest if you have palpitations and angina …
Health topics
… people react to schizophrenia can make a difference in how schizophrenia affects you. It can make it easier or … important in your life. People who have schizophrenia often stop treatment. This may be because they don't understand … You also can help your loved one deal with fear and other feelings about the illness and with the negative attitudes …