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Health topics
… To? On this page: Overview Overview After a challenging day, it's common for people to reach for a drink … wake up in the night or sleep poorly, so you may feel more tired and stressed the next day. For some people, no amount … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview After a challenging …
Health topics
… your eye, keeping it moist. They flow into tiny openings, called tear ducts , in the inner corners of your eyelids, … wind and sun, staring at a computer screen, or just being tired. Being around cigarette smoke may also cause dry eyes. … eyes are too dry, they feel itchy, scratchy, and irritated. How is it diagnosed? An eye doctor can usually tell that you …
Health topics
… as kola nut or guarana. There has been little research on how these ingredients may affect the body. Sugar. Energy … When your body gets used to a lot of caffeine and then you stop using it, you can get symptoms such as headaches, feeling tired, having trouble concentrating, and feeling
Health topics
… person to person. They depend on which medicines you take, how much you take, and how the medicines affect you. Your … your nervous system. You may notice tingling or a lack of feeling in your hands or feet, or shaking or trembling. … and vaginal dryness. Periods may become irregular or may stop. You may be infertile, or unable to get pregnant. For …
Health topics
… day. Sometimes that's hard to do. This sleep disorder usually is a problem for people who work all night. But people … trouble staying alert when you are supposed to be awake. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will use a sleep journal … you wake up. Your doctor also will ask if you feel very tired or fall asleep while you're at work. With a sleep …
Health topics
… short of breath even when you're resting. You may also feel tired and weak. How is it diagnosed? If you have mitral valve stenosis, your … when you haven't been very active or when you are resting. Feeling very tired or weak. What Happens Mitral valve …
Health topics
… or the amount of weight you can lift. Muscular endurance is how many times you can move that weight without getting exhausted (very tired). Benefits of muscular strength and endurance Muscular … feel about yourself. Give you a sense of accomplishment. Allow you to add new and different activities to your …
Health topics
… When you are not drinking enough fluids, your muscles get tired quickly, and you may have leg cramps while walking or … minerals lost through sweating, use a sports drink. Stop working outdoors or exercising if you become dizzy or … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Most people lose as …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview The maze … days in an intensive care unit (ICU). You will likely feel tired and sore for the first few weeks after surgery. You … long-term results for treating atrial fibrillation. It can stop atrial fibrillation in about 9 people out of 10. …
Health topics
… Trembling, dizziness, weakness, or light-headedness. Feeling faint or very tired. With POTS, you may also have problems with: Blurred … first notice symptoms, lying down may help you feel better. How is it diagnosed? To learn what is causing your symptoms, …