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3957 results found
Health topics
… to do—and ask for their help. If you're worried about how more activity might affect your health, have a checkup … with barriers: It's perfectly normal to try something, stop it, and then get mad at yourself. Lots of people try … their goals. If you feel like giving up, don't waste energy feeling bad about yourself. Remember your reason for wanting …
Health topics
… I Have an MRI? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your Decision 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get … bloodstream, through an I.V. . The dye makes certain areas show up better on the MRI pictures. The MRI can find problems … scan now if I am willing to have surgery. Even though I'm tired of the pain, it is getting better (slowly), and I …
Health topics
… to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview How Child Abuse Is Reported Overview … why babies cry can help you stay calm and manage your feelings as you find ways to soothe the baby. If you want to … or overweight. Be developmentally delayed . Be sick or tired most of the time. Be dirty or have poor personal …
Health topics
… Gas and bloating. Changes in bowel movements. Weight loss. Feeling very tired. Weakness. Tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or … Or they may be severe symptoms that impact your daily life. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about …
Health topics
… I Take Insulin? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your Decision 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get … to use insulin, you'll learn what type is best for you and how much you'll need to take. And you'll need to know the … to know the signs of low blood sugar, which include feeling tired, weak, or shaky. If your blood sugar drops very low …
Health topics
… and anxiety. For example, EFT may help calm you if you're feeling angry. Or it may help ease your thoughts if you're … are like those used in acupuncture . Experts don't agree on how well EFT works. And it shouldn't replace going to see a … armpit (about 10 centimetres (4 inches) below the armpit). Stop and remeasure how you feel about your issue. Repeat the …
Health topics
… to avoid grieving altogether. Grief will subside over time. However, the grieving process does not happen in a step-by-step or orderly fashion. Give yourself all the time you need to identify, accept, and express your emotions. Your feelings are unique. Each person handles emotions and …
Health topics
… loss? Hearing loss is a sudden or gradual decrease in how well you can hear. Gradual hearing loss happens over … symptoms of hearing loss include muffled hearing and a feeling that your ear is plugged. You may have trouble … landing or use a decongestant spray just before landing. Stop smoking. You are more likely to have hearing loss if …
Health topics
… out loud Knows difference between parents and strangers Stops crying when you walk into the room Persistent crying … Turns head toward speaker Watches your mouth movements Shows interest in colours Pushes away disliked actions Sixth … Point to things for a reason Seek attention Show strong feelings about likes and dislikes Laugh Not want to be away …
Health topics
… Depression, stress, and anxiety can also cause the problem. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor can find out if you have … that can help you get an erection, and finding and then stopping medicines that may be causing the problem. How can … to be taken on an empty stomach. If either of you are too tired or have a lot on your mind, wait until another time to …