3957 results found
Health topics
… to have symptoms at night when you're trying to sleep. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may ask about your … are worse after you eat a certain food, you may want to stop eating it to see if your symptoms get better. Other … (persistent) heartburn. Heartburn is an uncomfortable feeling or burning pain behind the breastbone. It may occur …
Health topics
… you have a fever, your other symptoms will help you know how serious your illness is. Temperatures in this topic are … A severe headache. A stiff neck. Mental changes, such as feeling confused or much less alert. Extreme fatigue (to the … lost fluids. If you become mildly to moderately dehydrated: Stop your activity, and get some rest. Drink a rehydration …
Health topics
… for many years. When symptoms occur, they may include feeling very tired. Or you may have pain or discomfort in the upper right part of your belly . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past …
Health topics
… Cochlear Implants On this page: Treatment Overview How Well It Works Risks Treatment … meningitis. These include high fever, headache, stiff neck, feeling sick to the stomach or vomiting, difficulty looking … imaging (MRI) scan. This could cause the implant to stop working. Before you or your child has an MRI, tell your …
Health topics
… kids' resilience. Help your kids develop self-efficacy (how we view and believe in our abilities) by structuring … top six and getting a ribbon. But I think it made me too tired for long jump! Parent : Sounds like you worked really … them practise the feared task in their imagination while feeling good about themselves. Example: Child: I'm getting …
Health topics
… ). How are the viruses spread? How a human first got one of … usually feel like the flu. They include: Fever. Chills. Feeling tired. You may also have: Headaches. Muscle pain. Diarrhea. …
Health topics
… the back, unexpected weight loss, loss of appetite, extreme tiredness, or jaundice . How is it diagnosed? If your doctor suspects pancreatic … better understand your illness, talk more openly about your feelings, or decide what treatment you want or don't want. …
Health topics
… Their families may feel that way too. Don't let these feelings stand in the way of getting treatment. Remember … even though doing so hurts your relationships. You have stopped doing important activities because of your opioid … care plan, you can still develop opioid use disorder. How is it treated? Treatment usually includes medicines, …
Health topics
… Overview Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a challenge for you and your family. Your family may find it … help your family understand PTSD. They may not always know how to respond when they see you hurting. They may feel … about PTSD is important. They may not understand why you're feeling bad or why you get angry sometimes. This can be …
Health topics
… (the number of times per week you're active) I = Intensity (how much effort you put into an activity) T = Time (how long … group to keep moving a lighter weight many times without stopping, and without getting exhausted. Musculoskeletal … The ability to do day-to-day activities without getting too tired. If you're physically fit, you can do these activities …