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Health topics
… enterococci (VRE) are a type of bacteria called enterococci that have developed resistance to many … because fewer antibiotics can kill the bacteria. How is a VRE infection spread? VRE, like many bacteria, can … Sometimes more than one antibiotic is prescribed to help stop the infection. Part of your treatment may include …
Health topics
… in it. Shigellosis also can be spread through sex, especially through anal and oral sex. What are the symptoms? The … symptoms at all but may still spread shigellosis to others. How is it diagnosed? Because many different diseases can … with shigellosis and for 1 or 2 weeks after symptoms have stopped. Foodborne Illness and Safe Food …
Health topics
… Some of the following questions might help you prepare. How often will I or my child have to take the medicine? Some … How will the medicine's side effects affect my lifestyle? All antiepileptic medicines have side effects, but some may … carefully compared to other risks to the baby if the mother stops taking her epilepsy medicine. If you are thinking …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview … prompted voiding. Bladder training Bladder training (also called bladder retraining) is used to treat urge … not to pass gas. Or squeeze your muscles as if you were stopping the flow of urine. Your belly, legs, and buttocks …
Health topics
… Femoral-Tibial Bypass Surgery On this page: Surgery Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It … by circulation problems. Your doctor will use something called a graft to make the blood go around (bypass) the … is a vein taken from another place in your leg. But sometimes it is a man-made blood vessel. The graft will carry …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Done Side Effects How Well It Works Treatment Overview Radiation can be used … Radiation damages the cells in the area being treated, stopping or slowing the growth of the cancer cells. Why It … cough or chest pain. Pain in the mouth or esophagus, especially with swallowing. Skin near the treatment area may look …
Health topics
… of your head that happen in groups, or "clusters." They usually occur over weeks or months. Cluster headaches can be so … long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to reduce how often you have them, how bad they are, and how long they … or breathe in oxygen from a machine to ease the pain or stop the headache. You use these treatments only when you …
Health topics
… Valve Replacement Surgery On this page: Surgery Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It … in the skin over your breastbone (sternum). This cut is called an incision. Then the doctor will cut through your … through your body. This machine will allow the doctor to stop your heartbeat and replace the valve. After the doctor …
Health topics
… incontinence include: The sudden release of urine. A feeling of fullness in the bladder even after urination. … Leakage of urine while sleeping. A urine stream that stops and restarts during urination. Difficulty urinating even while feeling the urge to urinate. How is overflow incontinence treated? In women Women can be …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … relieve pain and restore normal alignment to the joint. Small wires, screws, or plates may be used to hold the bones … bunion. An outward or upward bend in the big toe. Decreased feeling or sensation, numbness or tingling, or burning in …