3955 results found
Health topics
… in the chest. Some people with SVT have no symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may diagnose SVT based on a … Symptoms Symptoms of SVT include: A racing or fluttering feeling in the chest (palpitations). Chest discomfort, such … the fast heart rate, how long it lasts, if it starts and stops suddenly, and if the beats are regular or irregular. …
Health topics
… about sleep problems Most people have sleep problems from time to time. But when you have trouble sleeping for weeks … Lag Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started Current as of: … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Learning Center Learn about …
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… to do a task. Rubs his or her eyes when the child is not tired (rubbing eyes when tired is normal). Squints when the … or close an eye to experiment with their vision and see how the world looks with only one eye open. Avoids tasks or … MD - Internal Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Christopher J. Rudnisky MD, MPH, FRCSC - Ophthalmology Current …
Health topics
… where I'm going to be.' And so I had accepted it." She says all that changed after she ended up in the emergency room … she recalls, "I was getting scared, just getting scared at how I felt." That led her to change her eating habits to get … yourself of things that are tasty and yummy." To avoid feeling deprived, Loralie still eats her favourite foods, …
Health topics
… can be done when you are bathing or getting ready for bed. How do you care for your feet? When you have diabetes, the … for blisters, cuts, cracks, sores, broken skin, corns, calluses, or ingrown toenails. Look at all areas of your … at least once a year. This examination can detect a loss of feeling in your feet, which can lead to more serious foot …
Health topics
… are mild. They may include having to urinate more often, feeling a little more thirsty than normal, and losing a little weight for no clear reason. How is it diagnosed? A simple blood test is usually all that … no clear reason. Other possible symptoms include: Increased tiredness. Nausea. Blurred vision. Frequent infections and …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview … than older adults. Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the radioactivity. Your … footnote 1 Keep your distance from other people, especially children and pregnant women. Do not sit next to someone …
Health topics
… of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, … can't cure everything. They don't kill viruses or help with allergies. And they don't help illnesses such as the common … This will help make sure your infection is cured. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. General …
Health topics
… air pressure in the ears at the right level. When you swallow or yawn, the tubes open briefly to let air in to make … Or you may have hearing problems or feel a little dizzy. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … may prescribe antibiotics. Take them as directed. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You need to …
Health topics
… the details of where you can breastfeed or pump, and decide how you will store your breast milk. Also, plan for how … is due. Do it at a time of the day when your baby is usually happy. Don't force your baby to drink from a bottle. If … could pump at mid-morning, lunchtime, and mid-afternoon. Stop pumping when you have a reasonable amount of milk or …