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Health topics
… and a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally … In severe cases, your heart may stop due to cardiac arrest. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose hyperkalemia, your doctor … (EKG) test to check for problems with your heart. How is hyperkalemia treated? If your hyperkalemia is caused …
Health topics
… are present in plaque, a clear, sticky substance that your mouth produces. What are the symptoms? Healthy gums are … that won't go away. Pus coming from the gums. A change in how your teeth fit together when you bite. Loose teeth. If … right away. Early treatment can keep it from getting worse. How is it diagnosed? To find out if you have gum disease, …
Health topics
… puts pressure on nearby nerves, you may have tingling in your fingers, hand, or forearm. Some ganglions can weaken your grip or affect joint motion. How are they diagnosed? A ganglion can usually be diagnosed based on how it looks and where it is. Your doctor will also feel the …
Health topics
… , fat, or fluid pushes through a weak spot or hole in your baby's stomach muscles. This causes a bulge near or in … your child is vomiting, has pain, or has a swollen belly. How is it diagnosed? Doctors usually can tell that a child has an umbilical hernia by how the belly looks. If your child has a hernia, your doctor …
Health topics
… the genitals, in the urethra, or in the rectum or anus. How are they diagnosed? A doctor checks for genital warts by … and anal areas. The doctor may ask you questions about your symptoms and risk factors. Risk factors are things that … doctor takes a sample of tissue from a wart for testing. How are genital warts treated? There are ways to treat …
Health topics
… everyone, because it can cause serious bleeding. You and your doctor can decide if aspirin is a good choice for you. … to aspirin. Have asthma that is made worse by aspirin. How do you take aspirin safely? Take aspirin with food. If … if you can drink alcohol while you take aspirin. And ask how much you can drink. Too much alcohol with aspirin can …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … all tests may be right for you. Experts look at research on how well screening tests work. They also look at how a test may help you, whether the test may lead to more …
Health topics
… kidney disease? Diabetic kidney disease is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes. This is sometimes called … may include poor appetite, weight loss, and weakness. How is it diagnosed? Diabetic kidney disease is diagnosed using tests that check how well your kidneys are working. These include a test that …
Health topics
… I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)? How does an ICD work? An ICD is always checking your heart rate and rhythm. If the ICD detects a … or a shock depends on the type of problem that you have and how the doctor programs the ICD for you. How is an ICD …
Health topics
… lice? Pubic lice are tiny insects that usually live in your pubic area. Sometimes they're also found on facial … inconvenient, but they're not dangerous. And you can learn how to treat them at home. What are the symptoms? Pubic lice … in your eyelashes, your eyes can get crusty or irritated. How are pubic lice treated? It's important to treat pubic …