3991 results found
Health topics
… Most hip fractures are caused by falls. As you get older, your bones naturally lose some strength and are more likely … have only thigh or knee pain. They may be able to walk. How is it diagnosed? Doctors use X-rays to diagnose a broken … which involves injecting a dye, then taking images. It can show hairline fractures, where the bone is cracked but the …
Health topics
… shoulder. A shoulder separation is classified according to how severely these ligaments are injured: In a type I injury … the collarbone. There may be a bump on top of the shoulder. How is it diagnosed? A shoulder separation is diagnosed … a medical history, a physical examination, and an X-ray . Your doctor will check: For a deformity or bump. The range …
Health topics
… are often used when you have the ability to use a catheter yourself or someone can do it for you. You insert the … you limit your fluids. You and your doctor will figure out how much fluid you can consume each day and what times are best to use the catheter. How to use the catheter Following is a general outline of …
Health topics
… the rubella virus, you are at risk for miscarriage. And your baby (fetus) could become infected too. This can cause … Rubella also is called German measles or 3-day measles. How is it spread? The rubella virus most often is spread … who has the infection. Some people don't have symptoms. How is it diagnosed? A blood test can help your doctor find …
Health topics
… of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, … general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk … oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). An example is selegiline. How do they work? There are many different types of …
Health topics
… Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a serious problem that makes your heart muscle stiff. When your heart muscle is stiff, it … Trouble breathing when you lie down. Swelling in your legs. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … tissue, called a biopsy , to make a definite diagnosis. How is restrictive cardiomyopathy treated? Most of the time, …
Health topics
… include intense abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea. Your symptoms usually appear 6 to 24 hours after eating … . The disease usually is over within 24 to 48 hours. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history … and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is C. perfringens foodborne illness treated? You treat …
Health topics
… a one-way valve between the esophagus and the stomach. When your child swallows, the valve lets food pass into the … cause pneumonia or wheezing , and it may hurt to swallow. How is it diagnosed? To find out if a child has … include: A barium swallow. This is a series of X-rays that shows the esophagus and stomach. Endoscopy . This lets the …
Health topics
… medical care if you have severe symptoms throughout your body. Call your doctor if an open sore and necrosis develop. Necrosis is black, dead tissue. How is it diagnosed? A brown recluse spider bite is … capture and transport the spider, bring it with you to show your doctor.) Your doctor will ask what your main …
Health topics
… symptoms? Symptoms of lymphedema include feeling as though your clothes, rings, wristwatches, or bracelets are too … and less flexibility in your wrists, hands, and ankles. How is lymphedema treated? Treatment focuses on draining … swelling. And using sunscreen can help protect your skin. How can you care for yourself? Lymphedema may develop if you …