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Health topics
… to have a child with spina bifida. What are the symptoms? Your child's symptoms will depend on how severe the defect is. Most children with the mild form … vision problems. A curve in their spine, such as scoliosis. How is it diagnosed? During pregnancy, you can have a blood …
Health topics
… for "BReast CAncer." BRCA gene changes aren't common. Your doctor may talk to you about testing based on your … gene change, talk with your doctor. Genetic testing can show if you have gene changes that increase your risk for … experts did a study of women with BRCA changes to predict how much breast and ovarian cancer risk could be reduced by …
Health topics
… feel as though you are spinning. This may cause you to lose your balance and fall. There are things you can do to help … shoes that fit well and keeping walkways clear of clutter. How to keep yourself safe You can reduce your risk of injury … shoes tied. Alert family and friends to your condition and how they can help during an attack of vertigo. Know whether …
Health topics
… is stiffness, pain, and limited range of movement in your shoulder . The tissues around the joint stiffen, scar … than in men. Most often in people with chronic diseases. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may suspect frozen shoulder … from another condition such as arthritis or a broken bone. How is frozen shoulder treated? Treatment for frozen …
Health topics
… to miscarriage , stillbirth, or a baby being born early . How much alcohol is safe? Although the risk is higher with heavy alcohol use, any amount of alcohol may affect your developing baby. Heavy drinking (5 or more drinks on at … effects that alcohol has on a developing baby depend on: How much, how often, and at what stage of pregnancy the …
Health topics
… times may have the disease but have few or no symptoms. How bad malaria symptoms are can vary depending on your age, general health, and the kind of malaria parasite … signs of illness may not appear for many months. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask you questions about …
Health topics
… near vision. As you approach middle age, the lenses in your eyes begin to thicken and lose their flexibility. This … eyes to focus on objects at varying distances. Depending on how far away an object is, a muscle surrounding the lens in … fatigued. Presbyopia can also cause headaches or eyestrain. How is it diagnosed? Presbyopia can often be diagnosed with …
Health topics
… include runny nose, cough, and fever. After a few days, your child may experience shortness of breath and/or … the first 5 days. Most children get better in 1 to 2 weeks. How is it diagnosed? A doctor may diagnose bronchiolitis … if your doctor suspects the bronchiolitis is caused by RSV. How is bronchiolitis treated? Home treatment to manage the …
Health topics
… is usually a variation from normal, not a disease. How it affects you may change as you age. What causes it? … This is called presbyopia . You may start to notice that your near vision becomes blurred. As presbyopia gets worse, … headaches. Rub their eyes often. Have trouble reading or show little interest in reading. How is it diagnosed? A …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … Dialysis takes time and commitment. You also have to watch how much fluid you drink and be careful about what you eat. … room for the dialysis machine. You may have choices for how often and how long you need dialysis. Peritoneal …