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Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call … such as gout . They may also be an inherited disease. How are they diagnosed? Kidney stones may be diagnosed when … or ultrasound , to look at your kidneys and urinary tract. How are kidney stones treated? For most stones, your doctor …
Health topics
… you may be ready for gentle strengthening exercises for your stomach, back, and legs, and perhaps for some … strength, and endurance, and then to more pain. How do I exercise to reduce low back pain? Most people who … Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist if you are unsure how to do these exercises or if you feel any pain when you …
Health topics
… become ill with MERS after being around infected camels. How is it spread? Like most respiratory illnesses, Middle … but it may be as long as 14 days. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may suspect Middle East respiratory syndrome … latest information? The following health organizations are tracking and studying Middle East respiratory syndrome …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment … infection called shingles . What causes chickenpox, and how is it spread? Chickenpox is caused by the … you or your child can return to work, school, or daycare. How is chickenpox diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about …
Health topics
… These can be hard changes to make. But you can help yourself succeed just by thinking that you can succeed. If … thinking every day. After a while, it will come naturally. How can you use healthy thinking to reach a healthy weight? … that week. Should: People sometimes have set ideas about how they "should" act. If you hear yourself saying that you …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … fainting, seizure, and trouble walking or balancing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor asks you about your medical … Other tests are often done to find the cause of the TIA. How is a TIA treated? Treatment for TIA is focused on …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call Exams and Tests … symptoms can include watery eyes and sensitivity to light. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions … the pressure in your eyes to check for signs of glaucoma. How is glaucoma treated? Glaucoma can't be cured. But there …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information … be able to delay having surgery or radiation until tests show that their cancer is growing. Surgery or radiation may … wait. I decided that the best way for me to deal with the stress of waiting was to focus on taking better care of …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call Examinations … block a bile duct, you may have pain with fever and chills. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical … order an ultrasound of the belly to confirm the diagnosis. How are gallstones treated? If you don't have symptoms, you …
Health topics
… Objects in the Nose On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … from an object in nose No Problem from an object in nose How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 … after object was removed from nose Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care …