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2948 results found
Health topics
… damaged beyond repair or may die. During stage 3 , the sore gets worse and extends into the tissue beneath the skin, … damaged beyond repair or may die. During stage 3 , the sore gets worse and extends into the tissue beneath the skin, …
Health topics
… is easiest with a nail brush. Remember that nails tend to get harder with age, and the skin on the hands can become … is easiest with a nail brush. Remember that nails tend to get harder with age, and the skin on the hands can become …
Health topics
… than half of people who take steroids for the long term get osteoporosis. Kidney stones . … than half of people who take steroids for the long term get osteoporosis. Kidney stones . …
Health topics
… keep the septum straight while it heals. You probably will get instructions on how to care for your nose while it is … keep the septum straight while it heals. You probably will get instructions on how to care for your nose while it is …
Health topics
… questions before you visit your doctor so you don't forget them. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't … to about your results may not be a doctor. You might also get information from a nurse or a physician's assistant. … Your doctor's office may have a website where you can get help with lab test results. You can also look on a …
Health topics
… and very painful, or it's in a spot where it can't avoid getting popped, you may need to drain it. If you do decide … and very painful, or it's in a spot where it can't avoid getting popped, you may need to drain it. If you do decide …
Health topics
… things that bring back memories of your traumatic event. Getting treatment Talk to your doctor or health professional … if you think you may have panic disorder. You will work together to find the best way to treat the panic attacks and … things that bring back memories of your traumatic event. Getting treatment Talk to your doctor or health professional …
Health topics
… PCNs link family practices and other primary care clinics together with health authorities and other health … care provider, register on the Health Connect Registry to get matched with a family doctor or nurse practitioner in …
Health topics
… and catfish. Carbohydrate from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes (peas, beans, and lentils), low-fat milk … Folic acid (or folate) is found in foods such as liver, vegetables (especially spinach, asparagus, and Brussels … nuts, beans, raisins, whole grain bread, and leafy green vegetables. Even if you have good eating habits, you will need …
Health topics
… independently: Set aside time for the family to sit down together for meals. Make sure your child is in a comfortable … have problems feeding your baby or don't think he or she is getting enough nutrition to grow properly, talk with a … independently: Set aside time for the family to sit down together for meals. Make sure your child is in a comfortable …