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2948 results found
Health topics
… (inserted by a doctor) or a prescription pill. You can also get emergency contraceptive pills without a prescription at … (inserted by a doctor) or a prescription pill. You can also get emergency contraceptive pills without a prescription at …
Health topics
… an unplanned pregnancy. footnote 1 There is less chance of getting pregnant if you and your partner use an external … an unplanned pregnancy. footnote 1 There is less chance of getting pregnant if you and your partner use an external …
Health topics
… the wall of the urethra. To prevent the temperature from getting too high outside the prostate, a temperature sensor … the wall of the urethra. To prevent the temperature from getting too high outside the prostate, a temperature sensor …
Health topics
… reclining bound angle pose , you may need to use props to get the full benefits. A prop is something you use to … your doctor says it is okay. If you have knee, hip, or shoulder problems, don't do this pose. Or you can talk to a … your doctor says it is okay. If you have knee, hip, or shoulder problems, don't do this pose. Or you can talk to a …
Health topics
… can have trouble passing urine. This could include trouble getting started (urinary hesitancy), incomplete emptying, or … can have trouble passing urine. This could include trouble getting started (urinary hesitancy), incomplete emptying, or …
Health topics
… whole grain breads and cereals, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Drinking hard tap water supplies chromium to the … the human body needs very little chromium, most people get enough in their regular diet and do not require dietary … whole grain breads and cereals, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Drinking hard tap water supplies chromium to the …
Health topics
… colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and exercising regularly may help … colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and exercising regularly may help …
Health topics
… walking, tremors, or slow or stiff movement. Most symptoms get worse over time. Although there is no cure for DLB, … walking, tremors, or slow or stiff movement. Most symptoms get worse over time. Although there is no cure for DLB, …
Health topics
… may be less effective over time. This is caused by the body getting used to the treatment. Risks Possible risks related … may be less effective over time. This is caused by the body getting used to the treatment. Risks Possible risks related …
Health topics
… medicine, light therapy, or a combination, be sure to also get regular exercise, healthy food, fresh air, and time with … medicine, light therapy, or a combination, be sure to also get regular exercise, healthy food, fresh air, and time with …