814 results found
Health topics
… needle stick. If bruising occurs at a puncture site: Use a cold pack for comfort. You can use the cold pack for 10 to 15 minutes every 3 to 4 hours as … sure to place a layer of fabric between your skin and the cold pack. Use warmth, such as a heating pad, after 48 …
Health topics
… Antacids or laxatives that have sodium in them. Some cold, cough, influenza (flu), or sinus medicines. These … medicines and over-the-counter medicines. List any cold and influenza (flu) remedies, pain relievers, and … list can include common medicines such as pain relievers, cold and cough medicines, and stomach medicines. Keep your …
Health topics
… nose and sinuses get inflamed from a viral infection like a cold, they swell and make more mucus. This can block the … septum can also make it worse. Learn more Allergic Rhinitis Colds Prevention There are several ways you may reduce your … sinusitis. Treat stuffiness (nasal congestion) caused by colds or allergies promptly. This can help you prevent an …
Health topics
… your breasts still feel uncomfortable after nursing, try a cold compress to reduce swelling. You can use a frozen wet towel, a cold pack, or a bag of frozen vegetables. Apply it to your … your skin, place a thin cloth between your breast and the cold pack. If you are not breastfeeding, use one or more of …
Health topics
… is contagious until the bumps are gone. The time from exposure to the virus until the bumps appear usually is 2 to … is contagious until the bumps are gone. The time from exposure to the virus until the bumps appear usually is 2 to …
Health topics
… and ask you questions about your symptoms, past health, and exposure to rodents. You may have other tests, such as chest … and ask you questions about your symptoms, past health, and exposure to rodents. You may have other tests, such as chest …
Health topics
… male and having an HPV infection. For cancers of the lip, exposure over a long period of time to ultraviolet light … male and having an HPV infection. For cancers of the lip, exposure over a long period of time to ultraviolet light …
Health topics
… following steps will protect the wound and protect you from exposure to another person's blood. Before you try to stop … following steps will protect the wound and protect you from exposure to another person's blood. Before you try to stop …
Health topics
… lungs or heart. In rare cases, a second cancer caused by exposure to radiation. Current as of: March 1, 2023 … lungs or heart. In rare cases, a second cancer caused by exposure to radiation. Current as of: March 1, 2023 …
Health topics
… by viruses or bacteria. Dry eyes from lack of tears or exposure to wind and sun. Chemicals, fumes, or smoke … outside. Use a clean part of the cloth for each wipe. Put cold or warm wet cloths on your eye a few times a day if the … outside. Use a clean part of the cloth for each wipe. Put cold or warm wet cloths on your child's eyes a few times a …