814 results found
Health topics
… tongue, or throat. Signs of an overdose, including: Cold, clammy skin. Confusion. Severe nervousness or … tongue, or throat. Signs of an overdose, including: Cold, clammy skin. Confusion. Severe nervousness or …
Health topics
… Note: This works best with pets who aren't fish! Notice the temperature of the animal's body and the weight of it … Note: This works best with pets who aren't fish! Notice the temperature of the animal's body and the weight of it …
Health topics
… or midwife before doing anything that raises your body temperature. Your doctor or midwife can tell you if it's … or midwife before doing anything that raises your body temperature. Your doctor or midwife can tell you if it's …
Health topics
… by taking your pulse and checking your skin colour and temperature. For damage to your nerves and blood vessels. … by taking your pulse and checking your skin colour and temperature. For damage to your nerves and blood vessels. …
Health topics
… Use a heating pad or ice pack. You can use either heat or cold, whichever helps you the most. You might want to switch back and forth between heat and cold until you find what helps you the most. Exercise. Ask … Use a heating pad or ice pack. You can use either heat or cold, whichever helps you the most. You might want to switch …
Health topics
… health condition, or lifestyle increases their risk of exposure. A combination vaccine that protects against both … health condition, or lifestyle increases their risk of exposure. A combination vaccine that protects against both …
Health topics
… It may be harder for your baby to get enough breastmilk. Exposure to cannabis during pregnancy and breastfeeding may …
Health topics
… to use these products. Freeze the wart with a very cold liquid that can kill the virus. This is called … can have your doctor freeze the warts for you using a very cold liquid. You'll likely need to have this treatment … to use these products. Freeze the wart with a very cold liquid that can kill the virus. This is called …
Health topics
… of the middle ear. Ear infections often occur along with a cold or other upper respiratory infections . Almost all … 4-year-old. When she complained of an earache after a cold, we visited our doctor. She told us the ear infection … of the middle ear. Ear infections often occur along with a cold or other upper respiratory infections . Almost all …
Health topics
… Dark, black, or bloody stools. Low or unstable body temperature. Chills and fever. Fast heartbeat and breathing. … Dark, black, or bloody stools. Low or unstable body temperature. Chills and fever. Fast heartbeat and breathing. …