3899 results found
Health topics
… It's important to have surgery before your unstable knee causes other joint problems. If you are thinking about surgery … rest and reduce activity. Your doctor may suggest that you use crutches or a splint. You use ice for swelling. You wrap your knee with an elastic …
Health topics
… the time it takes for a blood clot to form. Anticoagulants used for atrial fibrillation are apixaban (Eliquis), … skin rash. Some people can't take anticoagulants, because they have a higher risk of having a serious problem if … device is placed inside of the heart with a procedure that uses catheters in blood vessels. This device is not right …
Health topics
… or some kinds of stroke. footnote 5 Aspirin may also be used by people who've had bypass surgery or angioplasty or … risk. But taking aspirin isn't right for most people because it can cause serious bleeding. You can work with your … your doctor may also talk about your age. People who are younger than 40 don't seem to benefit much from aspirin. For …
Health topics
… also find topics that address mental health or substance use information. Some health features are also available in …
Health topics
… program. In fact, sometimes the medical exam can be an excuse for not getting active. The reality is that being … you’re an older adult, have a health condition, or aren’t used to being very active. Set realistic goals. Gradually …
Health topics
… Graves' Ophthalmopathy Hyperthyroidism: Should I Use Antithyroid Medicine or Radioactive Iodine? …
Health topics
… in people ages 40 to 60, but anyone can have it. What causes it? The cause of Ménière's disease is not known. But it may be related … Allergies . What are the symptoms? Ménière's disease can cause symptoms that come on quickly and last from hours to …
Health topics
… Checks for coronary artery disease Checks for damage caused by a heart attack Echocardiogram Makes moving pictures of the heart Helps find the cause of unexplained chest pain or pressure, or shortness of … this test, often called a stress test or treadmill test. In younger people who don't have symptoms of heart disease, an …
Health topics
… High blood pressure . Kidney disease . Epilepsy . You use alcohol or illegal drugs, or you smoke. You are younger than 17 or older than 35. You are pregnant with more … such as HIV or hepatitis C . Other infections that can cause a problem include cytomegalovirus (CMV) , chickenpox , …
Health topics
… or another. Most of the time, our body movements don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms may occur from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury. The groin areas are located on each side … Age 12 and Older Urinary Problems and Injuries, Age 11 and Younger Male Genital Problems and Injuries Female Genital …