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… is the organ in your lower belly where a fetus grows during pregnancy. After a hysterectomy, you won't be able to get … is the organ in your lower belly where a fetus grows during pregnancy. After a hysterectomy, you won't be able to get …
Health topics
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Health topics
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… hearing. Your baby receives a thorough examination and gets immunizations. Assesses your baby's emotional and social … hearing. Your baby receives a thorough examination and gets immunizations. Assesses your baby's emotional and social …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… that you or a close family member has had. Your history of pregnancy, menstruation, or other sources of bleeding. Your … that you or a close family member has had. Your history of pregnancy, menstruation, or other sources of bleeding. Your …
Health topics
… including those in the lens of the eye. Infection during pregnancy, such as rubella or chickenpox . These may cause … including those in the lens of the eye. Infection during pregnancy, such as rubella or chickenpox . These may cause …