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2717 results found
Health topics
… Not all hospital stays begin in the emergency room. Sometimes you have time to prepare for a scheduled hospital stay. But even when … stressed. By taking steps to prepare for your stay ahead of time, you can get control of some of that stress and save …
Health topics
… walking, each week. It's fine to walk in shorter periods of time throughout your day and week that add up to the … health issues, or if you have not been active in a long time. Follow your doctor's instructions for safe levels of … walking, each week. It's fine to walk in shorter periods of time throughout your day and week that add up to the …
Health topics
… and allow the urine to drain out. It is done at scheduled times, and the catheter is not permanent. In general, an ICP … figure out how much fluid you can consume each day and what times are best to use the catheter. How to use the catheter … and allow the urine to drain out. It is done at scheduled times, and the catheter is not permanent. In general, an ICP …
Health topics
… in a procedure to another step. Make your dental visit at a time when you are not rushed or under pressure. Early morning, late afternoon, or Saturday may be the best time, as you may not have to worry about missing school or … in a procedure to another step. Make your dental visit at a time when you are not rushed or under pressure. Early …
Health topics
… have to see a family court judge. Tell the judge about times you have been threatened with violence or have … to ensure your children's safety. Call the police every time the order is violated. If you travel to another … have to see a family court judge. Tell the judge about times you have been threatened with violence or have …
Health topics
… it. A tooth that is very tender or sore to the touch. Over time as the infection spreads, the bone in your jaw may … take good care of your teeth and gums: Brush your teeth 2 times a day, in the morning and at night. Use fluoride … it. A tooth that is very tender or sore to the touch. Over time as the infection spreads, the bone in your jaw may …
Health topics
… They may know some numbers. Better understand concepts of time. Can name some colours. Understand the difference … may still throw the rock thinking that it won't break this time (magical thinking). Know the difference between fantasy … Are aware that they can be hurt physically, which sometimes causes them to be very sensitive about their bodies. …
Health topics
… organization and planning, such as making plans ahead of time with friends. Think independently. Most children are … appropriate behaviour. Can control their anger most of the time. Have caring, solid friendships. Have gained a strong … organization and planning, such as making plans ahead of time with friends. Think independently. Most children are …
Health topics
… age. Are learning to write. Start to grasp the concept of time. Emotional and social development Most children by age … or other activity. Speak with correct grammar most of the time. Can spell their first name and can write some letters … age. Are learning to write. Start to grasp the concept of time. Emotional and social development Most children by age …
Health topics
… is weak or not stable. Aching pain. You may have a hard time describing this pain. Or you may not be able to show … tube. The doctor may be able to repair the tear at the same time. How is a shoulder SLAP tear treated? Pain medicine and … is weak or not stable. Aching pain. You may have a hard time describing this pain. Or you may not be able to show …