2717 results found
Health topics
… when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. It is sometimes called overabundant milk supply or hyperlactation. … just one breast during a nursing session or for a block of time (typically 3 hours). Then at the next session or block of time, feed from the other breast. You can remove just a …
Health topics
… A sponsor is someone who has been in recovery for a long time and helps you stay substance-free. Have a healthy … include keeping substances out of your house or spending time with friends who don't use substances. Prepare for … may need more treatment, another type of treatment, or more time in support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous. It's …
Health topics
… may look crooked, or the ribs may stick out. Most of the time scoliosis doesn't cause pain in children or teens. How … brace. If your child seems very sad or depressed for a long time, have your child talk to a counsellor. Be safe with … not give your child two or more pain medicines at the same time unless the doctor told you to. Many pain medicines have …
Health topics
… people don't have side effects. And minor side effects sometimes go away after a while. But sometimes side effects can be a problem or can be serious. If … For example, taking a medicine with food or at a certain time of day may help with side effects. Whether you need any …
Health topics
… depending on the type, the strength, and the length of time the acid is in contact with the body. The damage is … depending on the type, the strength, and the length of time the acid is in contact with the body. The damage is …
Health topics
… Here are some tips for taking care of yourself. Schedule time for yourself. Use a calendar or planner to set aside specific times for buying and cooking healthy foods, resting, … other resources that can provide you with needed personal time. Learn ways to handle the normal range of emotions, …
Health topics
… by letting you know when you need extra carbohydrates. Time of day Target range for most non-pregnant adults Your … mmol/L if A1c targets are not being met mmol/L Another time of day: mmol/L mmol/L Other: mmol/L mmol/L Other: … A1c How steady your blood sugar levels have been over time. 7% or less for most men and for most women who are not …
Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Symptoms usually are noticed by the time a child is 2 years old. But if symptoms are severe, a … yet and is not acting like other children the same age. Sometimes a child with ASD may start to talk at the same time as others the same age. But then they may stop gaining …
Health topics
… job is to offer nutritious food choices at meals and snack times. You decide the what , where , and when of eating. … to eat. If this idea is new to you, it may take a little time for both you and your child to adjust. In time, your child will learn that he or she will be allowed …
Health topics
… health problems, because your body will have a harder time absorbing food and nutrients. People who have this … problems. That's because your body will have a harder time absorbing food and nutrients. People who have this … very quickly in the first few months after surgery. As time goes on, your weight loss will slow down. You will have …