3991 results found
Health topics
… It's like amphetamine, which doctors use to treat sleep problems (narcolepsy), attention deficit hyperactivity … can be smoked, snorted, swallowed, or injected. When it is smoked or injected, the person feels an intense … changes Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Drug Use and Your Health Current as of: …
Health topics
… or both. Music-making is a healthy way of expressing yourself. Why It Is Done You can use music therapy to help … Music therapy: May decrease forgetfulness (dementia) by: Improving your connection to others. Helping the brain … memory. May help children deal with necessary but painful procedures. Crying is often affected by music. Is …
Health topics
… own. Anyone can get a ganglion, but children don't usually have them. What causes them? Experts don't know the exact … An injury. Overuse or repetitive motions, such as those you do at work. Arthritis. A common type of ganglion called … fingernail. What are the symptoms? Ganglions are usually painless bumps that don't cause other symptoms. But …
Health topics
… ketoacidosis (DKA)? Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) happens when the body does not have enough insulin and can't get the sugar it needs for … build up in the blood and change the chemical balance in your body. This problem can be very dangerous and needs to …
Health topics
… valves and inner lining of the heart chambers. It occurs when germs get into the bloodstream and settle inside the … cases, it is caused by fungi. This infection can damage your heart. It needs to be treated right away. If it isn't … purple and red spots under the skin. See your doctor if you have symptoms like these that don't go away, especially if …
Health topics
… But in rare cases, it may cause more serious problems. If you are pregnant and get infected with the rubella virus, … your eyes, nose, or mouth before washing your hands. If you have rubella, you are most likely to spread it a few days … chest, and the rest of the body. Adults also may have joint pain. Older children and teens also may have eye pain, a …
Health topics
… Overview Overview It is normal for your child to be moody or somewhat grouchy as they get … lost interest in activities they usually enjoy. Has trouble sleeping or is sleeping too much. Has had changes in eating … day? Do you laugh with your friends? Do you feel happy when you are doing things you enjoy, like a favourite hobby …
Health topics
… 29, 2022 What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a condition in which your body is not able to regulate or control the levels of … may vary from person to person. Some people may not have any symptoms. The most common symptoms of high blood … Type 2 Diabetes? Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes occurs when you're unable to produce your own insulin. If you have …
Health topics
… bite during teething , because they feel discomfort or pain. The most common symptoms of teething include: … drink because of mouth soreness. Irritability and trouble sleeping because of the discomfort. Solid teething rings or teethers can help ease your baby's discomfort from teething. Many items are …
Health topics
… likely to stay interested. In the elementary school years, your child will enjoy testing out their physical abilities. … help them with: Learning to listen and follow instructions Improving their fundamental movement and coordination skills … affect a child’s academic success, social skills, sleep patterns and weight. See: Canadian 24-Hour Movement …