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3991 results found
Health topics
… PTSD and Your Family On this page: Overview … understand PTSD. They may not always know how to respond when they see you hurting. They may feel scared, sad, … rest. Take naps if you feel like you're not getting enough sleep at night. Talking with your family about how you feel. …
Health topics
… What are boils? Boils are red, swollen, painful bumps under the skin. They often look like an … become large and cause severe pain. How are they treated? You can sometimes care for a boil at home. Do not squeeze, … area well. Do not wear tight clothing over the area. If you have many boils, your doctor may prescribe a cream or …
Health topics
… an injured nail will cause a black or purplish appearance. You may need to have the blood drained from under the nail. The black … away on their own without any treatment. Yellow nails occur when the nail separates from the nail bed (onycholysis) …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have heart failure , symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your … and causes shortness of breath. Shortness of breath while sleeping. Some people with heart failure wake up in the …
Health topics
… Valerian is an herb that people have used for centuries for sleep problems, migraines, fatigue, and stomach cramps. It … heartbeats, insomnia, and (less commonly) liver damage. If you are taking valerian, you shouldn't drink alcohol or take … especially important if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. When using natural health products, keep in mind the …
Health topics
… coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or bypass surgery. Your doctor will make the bypass with a healthy piece of … to bypass the narrowed or blocked parts of your arteries. When the blood vessels are in place, the doctor will restart … to your regular hospital room. In the ICU, you will likely have: Continuous monitoring of your heart. A tube to help …
Health topics
… vessels in the retina . One of two approaches may be used when treating diabetic retinopathy: Focal photocoagulation. … used to slow the growth of new abnormal blood vessels that have developed over a wider area of the retina. The … sessions. Laser photocoagulation is usually not painful. You may feel a slight stinging sensation or see brief …
Health topics
… in the face or eyes. Trouble swallowing. Slurred speech. Pain in the neck, back, arms, or legs. Symptoms of acute … to check for weakness, such as in the arms and legs. And you will have an MRI to check your spinal cord. You may also have
Health topics
… Information Overview A breast pump is a device that allows you to empty milk from your breasts whenever you want to or need to. Then you can store the milk … good way to provide the benefits of breastfeeding when you have to be away from your baby. Pumping will help keep up …
Health topics
… who does not drink fluids can become severely dehydrated. When ecstasy is used with alcohol, the effects can be more harmful. Ecstasy can cause confusion, depression, sleep problems, and severe anxiety that may last weeks after … at parties Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Drug Use and Your Health Current as of: …