3991 results found
Health topics
… go to school (or both) while they are pregnant. It can keep you active and engaged. You can probably keep working right … if there are no problems with your pregnancy. Women who have uncomplicated pregnancies can usually keep working or … A problem with the placenta, such as placenta previa . A chronic illness or other problem that isn't responding well …
Health topics
… device. It sends out mild electrical signals that keep your heart beating normally. The signals are painless. It … pacemakers are placed under the skin of your chest. They have thin wires, called leads. The leads pass through a vein … pacemaker can help restore a normal heart rate. It is used when certain problems have damaged the heart's electrical …
Health topics
… Antithyroid Medicine or Radioactive Iodine? Decision Point You may want to have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to … means that your body makes too little thyroid hormone. When you have hypothyroidism, you need to take thyroid …
Health topics
… planning? Discharge planning helps to make sure that you leave the hospital safely and smoothly and get the right … another health care setting. Write down any questions you have about what will happen when you get home, what your family can do to help, or who's …
Health topics
… Getting Started Medicines can help you manage your health, but only if you take them correctly. … It should include what your medicines are and how and when to take them. Put your schedule where you can see it. … that may help with medicine costs. Some drug companies have programs that help people who can't afford medicine. …
Health topics
… personal decision. Some women feel better about themselves when their clothes fit just as they did before surgery. Other women feel comfortable just as they are. You can buy these forms already made, or they can be … form if: You are waiting for reconstructive surgery. You have decided not to have reconstructive surgery. You have …
Health topics
… is amblyopia? Amblyopia is a childhood problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to … eye and ignore images from the weaker eye. This means that your child uses the strong eye more than the weak eye. If the weak eye doesn't have to work, it isn't able to develop good vision. This …
Health topics
… or unrealistic feelings of importance Decreased need for sleep (feeling rested after only a few hours of sleep) … goals Involvement in irresponsible activities that might have dangerous consequences, such as engaging in increased … situations, or in relationships with others. It is possible you may need to seek hospitalization if the behaviours …
Health topics
… firm and tighten the skin of the face and neck. It can make you look younger. It may remove many wrinkles, but it does … your skin. You will get medicine before surgery to make you sleep or feel relaxed. The doctor will make a cut along your … need will depend on your age, the number of wrinkles you have, and other factors. The incisions will be closed and …
Health topics
… Information It can be hard to keep track of when and how to take medicines. And the more medicines you take, the harder it may be. Here are some ideas you can … it whenever your medicines change. Make sure family members have copies in case of an emergency. Know what each medicine …