3991 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you want to save this information but don't think it is safe … making you do anything you don't want to do, refusing to have safer sex, or making you feel bad about yourself … of friends? Try to use drugs or alcohol to get you alone when you don't want to be? Try to control you by being …
Health topics
… The body loses heat through: Evaporation of water from your skin if it is wet (sweating). If your clothing is wet, … through evaporation and through respiration (breathing) when the body temperature is higher than 37 °C (99 °F) . … heat through radiation. Conduction (such as heat loss from sleeping on the cold ground). Heat is lost in air …
Health topics
… Making the Most of Your Appointment On this page: Overview Preparing for Your … following the prescribed treatment will be hard for you. Have a family member or friend with you during your … own with their doctors. Preparing for Your Appointment When you prepare for each visit, it helps your doctor give …
Health topics
… health care provider is very important. The relationship you have with your health care provider greatly influences the … partnership between you and your doctor is important. When you have many doctors, think of them as part of your …
Health topics
… not known what causes ventricular tachycardia, especially when it occurs in young people. But in most cases ventricular tachycardia is … the best treatment. Genetic tests may be done if you might have a heart problem that runs in families. The tests look …
Health topics
… the arteries as it moves through the body. It's normal for your child's blood pressure to go up and down throughout the … the systolic pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. The second number is the … How is it diagnosed? Children age 3 and older often have their blood pressure checked during routine doctor …
Health topics
… don't usually cause problems. They only become a problem when they cause infection. The infection has a higher chance … these infections are more likely to occur among people who have cuts or wounds and who have close contact with one … infection is. If the infection is: In a wound, that area of your skin may be red or tender. On your skin, you may get a …
Health topics
… is a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps your nerves, muscles, and heart … or high in potassium. Foods are high in potassium if they have more than 200 milligrams (mg) per serving. Examples of high-potassium foods When you choose foods from lists like the ones below, note …
Health topics
… without treatment. What causes it? Stuttering happens when the brain isn't able to send and receive messages in … parts of phrases. Add words or phrases that aren't related. You may notice that your child stutters more when he or she … as hearing problems. Talk with your child's doctor if you have any concerns about your child's speech, if stuttering …
Health topics
… Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Caring for Your Child On this page: Overview … is very young, you will need to give these injections. When your child is older, he or she can take on some of the … instead of into the skin. This way, your child won't have to feel the insulin needle. The cannula can be used for …