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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Crying is your baby's first way of communicating with you. This is how … old. Caring for a baby can be stressful at times. You may have periods of feeling overwhelmed, especially if your baby … your doctor about ways to help you cope with your emotions when the crying just does not stop. Then you can be with …
Health topics
… Boosting Your Metabolism On this page: Overview … as body fat. Burn off extra body fat that you already have. What to do When you eat more calories than your body burns in a day, …
Health topics
… more people are breastfeeding in public these days, but if you’re just starting out, you might be uncomfortable. That’s understandable. It’s tough to learning a new skill when people are watching. Many people may be embarrassed by … not yours or your baby’s In British Columbia, all people have the legal right to breastfeed in any public area. …
Health topics
… About This Medicine What are the most important things you need to know about your medicines? Make sure you know … read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … very well and is generally safe. What about side effects? When you first start taking metformin or take a larger dose, …
Health topics
… surgery is not commonly used. But it can be an option if you still don't ovulate after you lose weight and try … Why It Is Done Ovarian drilling is sometimes used if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and still don't … This can be from the laparoscope or surgical tools. Pain after the procedure, from inflating the belly with air. …
Health topics
… Overview Understanding how to care for your ostomy will help you live comfortably with it. An … treat and prevent common problems, such as irritated skin. When you have an ostomy, urine leaves your body through the stoma …
Health topics
… is one way to prevent injury or death from burns. Keep your family safe by following these safety tips. Teach … every level of your home. Be sure to put an alarm outside sleeping areas and inside bedrooms. Test all smoke alarms … of fall or the first day of spring every year. (Or do it when daylight savings time begins and ends, if you live in a …
Health topics
… Feeding Your Infant On this page: Overview … follow their internal hunger and fullness cues. They eat when they're hungry and stop eating when they're full. … as skim milk, 1% milk, or 2% milk, or soy beverage don't have as many nutrients as whole-fat cow's milk. It is best …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview As you or a family member ages, you may have concerns about how to manage health problems. Most … consider long-term care? People may consider long-term care when a health condition makes meeting health and personal …
Health topics
… syndrome? Cushing's syndrome is a rare problem that happens when you have too much of the hormone cortisol in your body. Cortisol …