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Health topics
… Optimism is a hopeful, positive outlook on the future, yourself, and the world around you. It is a key part of … keep up your physical health too. footnote 1 You don't have to be a "born optimist" to use the power of optimism. In daily life, or when faced with a crisis, you can choose a positive …
Health topics
… and not want to talk about it. Be aware of the signs that your child is being bullied so you can help resolve the … may also come home very hungry from having missed lunch. Sleep poorly and develop frequent headaches, stomach aches, … who they think will not fight back. Not speak or show fear when certain people or situations are mentioned. Suddenly …
Health topics
… to do hand expression in the first three to four days after your baby is born is important. Hand expression of colostrum … bottles can make it harder for a baby to breastfeed well. When a breast feeding is replaced with a bottle feeding, … Here are some tips: Wash your hands and get comfortable. Have a clean cup, bowl or jar ready to catch the milk. …
Health topics
… Gender dysphoria is a feeling of emotional distress because your inner sense of your gender ( gender identity ) doesn't … sex that they were assigned at birth. Many, but not all, have gender dysphoria. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of … How is it diagnosed? Gender dysphoria may be diagnosed when you talk with your doctor about feeling upset or …
Health topics
… Information Overview Gratitude is saying "thank you." But it's more than a thank-you to a friend for a … pleased with their lives, and connected to others when compared to those who reflect on daily hassles or on … a stranger did for you. Give thanks for the abilities you have. Even if you are feeling burdened by your health, think …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your baby is teething, you may have questions that many other parents ask. Are my baby's symptoms caused by teething? When teething, many babies drool. Teething happens during …
Health topics
… the event. ASD lasts less than 1 month. What causes it? You can get ASD if you witness or go through a traumatic … conditions, like a brain injury. What are the symptoms? When you have acute stress disorder, you may: Have … with your emotions. For example, you may have trouble sleeping, feel angry a lot, be on alert for danger, and have
Health topics
… Erection Problems: Should I Take Medicine? Decision Point You may want to have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to … at any age. But they are more common as you get older, when you are more likely to have other health problems. …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview The foods you eat contain nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. … choices about which foods to eat. The foods in this list have less than 200 milligrams (mg) of potassium per serving. … Certain natural health products. Chronic Kidney Disease Getting Enough Potassium Kidney …
Health topics
… a phone call or video call with a doctor or nurse can save you time and money. This is called virtual care. It may also … or other device to talk to a doctor or nurse. You may have a live video connection. This may be done from a … in your patient portal, on your device, or in an email. When is it a good option? Virtual care works great when