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3991 results found
Health topics
… Overview What is a puss caterpillar? How can it harm you? The puss caterpillar , or woolly slug, is the most … of puss caterpillar contact may include: Immediate, intense pain that often comes in waves. A swelling, itching rash of … Fever. Muscle cramps. Swollen glands. Symptoms of shock. If you come into contact with a puss caterpillar, remove the …
Health topics
… training or weight lifting). This is any activity that uses your muscles and improves your strength. Here are some … hard effort (a Perceived Exertion rating of 12 to 13). When you’re finished, you should still have enough energy and strength left over to continue …
Health topics
… based on a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A … packaging. Food packaging labels provide information about when to use the food and how to store it. Reading food …
Health topics
… (lung) nodules are growths or "spots" in the lungs. You may have just one nodule (called a solitary pulmonary nodule) or … Your doctor may have found one or more nodules on your lung when you were having a chest X-ray or CT scan. To diagnose …
Health topics
… Treating a Bad Taste in Your Mouth On this page: Overview … mints, or suck on sour candies. Use plastic utensils if you have a bitter or metallic taste when eating. Mouth Problems, Non-Injury …
Health topics
… A penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction that occurs when your body's immune system overreacts to these antibiotics. Many people who believe that they have an allergy to penicillin don't have it. They may have a …
Health topics
… and the placenta starts to form.  By about two weeks, when you miss your first period, the embryo becomes a layered … The fetus now has all the organs that a full term baby will have. The heart is functioning. Bones begin to form. 12 …
Health topics
… of the person we most want to be. Exploring what's holding you back A good place to start is to ask a simple question: … your life. Maybe you've had thoughts like these: "I don't have time to do something relaxing." "I don't know what … of these things seems like something you could try now? When do you think you could start? …
Health topics
… Safely On this page: Overview Overview You can safely buy medicine online if you use online … or state governments. The online drugstore doesn't have a licensed pharmacist available to answer your … begins with "https" rather than just "http." Why be careful when buying medicines online? Medicines that you buy online …
Health topics
… Immunization in your baby's first year Last updated August 13, 2013 … diseases Human papilloma virus (for girls) Did you know? When babies have procedures such as blood tests or injections, they …