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Health topics
… all instructions on the label. Make sure every doctor you see knows about all of the medicines, vitamins, or natural health products you take. This means anything you take with or without a … Information Acute Kidney Injury Acute Kidney Injury Versus Chronic Kidney Disease Nephrotic Syndrome Current as …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some things may cause your rosacea to flare up. These are called triggers. Here … that irritate your skin. Exercise. Stay as cool as possible when you exercise. Try to exercise for shorter, more … Take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Sun. Avoid the midday sun, …
Health topics
… Active as a Family On this page: Overview Overview Keeping your family healthy and moving can be a struggle. But … do it better or faster than them. Just do it with them. And when your kids get good at it, they might just leave you … you won't be able to get outside. Those are the days to have an indoor dance party, exercise with toy hoops, or set …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Many women have caffeine during pregnancy. And in small amounts, … caffeine is safe for the baby. It's a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 300 mg a day. Limiting your … minerals, including calcium. Caffeine can interfere with sleep for both you and your fetus. Avoid caffeine, or limit …
Health topics
… side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, the left … about 6 weeks. Why It Is Done Pallidotomy may be an option when a person with advanced Parkinson's disease has: Severe … that can cause drooping. Trouble speaking well. Confusion. Sleepiness. Parkinson's Disease …
Health topics
… Heart failure is classified by how bad symptoms are when you are active. footnote 1 The four classes range from … cleaning, short walks, and gardening. Class II. People who have some limitation on physical activity. They are …
Health topics
… disorder? Children with sensory processing disorder have problems processing information from the senses. This … process sensory stimulation from the outside world. Your child may: Either be in constant motion or fatigue … easily or go back and forth between the two. Withdraw when touched. Refuse to eat certain foods because of how the …
Health topics
… the swollen veins. After surgery, the pain and itching from your hemorrhoids should go away. After this surgery, you will probably go home the same day. You will have some pain in your anal area. You may also have light … for problems. Why It Is Done Hemorrhoidectomy may be done when you have: Very large internal hemorrhoids. Internal …
Health topics
… followed. Medicine and diet therapy are most effective when used together in the treatment of heart failure. Taking your medicines and following the diet your doctor has … these minerals. Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acid) supplements have been shown to help some heart failure patients. In some …
Health topics
… tube before cell division occurs. These procedures have higher costs and risks related to laparoscopy. And they … reasons, these procedures are rarely used. What To Expect You can expect to return to daily activities after a routine … daily shots. Why It Is Done GIFT may be appropriate when: You have religious objections to fertilization taking …