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Health topics
… Overview What is a female condom? Condoms can protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and they … female condom is a barrier method of birth control . How do you get female condoms? Female condom use doesn't require a … be used with a male condom. Use a new condom each time you have intercourse. Spread the lubricant by rubbing the sides …
Health topics
… Over time, it fills up with scar tissue. Most people who have this surgery don't need to stay in the hospital. It is usually done with local anesthetic , and you can go home on the same day. How It Is Done In open … Why It Is Done Open carpal tunnel surgery is considered when: You still have symptoms after a long period of …
Health topics
… Fitness DVDs and videos Last updated December 1, 2016 You can buy a wide variety of fitness instruction DVDs and videos (or borrow them from your local library). The advantage of working with a DVD or … flexibility and strength, and create balance in the body). When you're deciding on a DVD or video, ask yourself these …
Health topics
… Dry mouth, or xerostomia (say "zee-ruh-STO-mee-uh"), occurs when your mouth doesn't make enough saliva. Saliva helps you … Dry mouth, or xerostomia (say "zee-ruh-STO-mee-uh"), occurs when your mouth doesn't make enough saliva. Saliva helps you …
Health topics
… much or not enough work or doing work that doesn't satisfy you. Conflicts with your boss, co-workers, or customers are … of major job stress: Lack of control. Feeling as if you have no control over your job duties is one cause of job … ideas. Balance work and personal life. Unplug from work when you're home. For example, try not to check company …
Health topics
… Overview Slouching puts stress on your lower back. Slumping or slouching on its own may not … been strained or injured, bad posture can make pain worse. When you sit, keep your shoulders back and down, chin back, … pain, talk to your doctor or physical therapist. You may have a condition such as a problem with a disc or with bones …
Health topics
… Writing your birth plan or birth wishes Last updated August 12, 2013 … birth wishes outline the things you would prefer to do or have happen during labour, birth and the days following. For … own music I would like to push squatting or semi-sitting when I have the urge, not with coaching We would like to …
Health topics
… instead of one large one. Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several things in deciding whether you should have open resection or a laparoscopy. These include: The … no muscle around the stoma, so you won't be able to control when waste or gas passes out of your body. To collect the …
Health topics
… Overview What are recurrent vaginal yeast infections? For your vaginal yeast infections to be thought of as recurrent, you must have three or more infections within 1 year. And they must …
Health topics
… and in the right position usually don't cause problems. You may have a problem if any of the following occur: Your wisdom … wisdom teeth before a person is 20 years old. Removing them when you're older is harder to do and more likely to cause …