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Health topics
… Your Home Health Centre On this page: Overview Cold Pack … place it in the freezer until slush forms. Refreeze the bag when the slush melts. A bag of frozen vegetables will also … regularly. Cleaning is especially important for people who have mould allergies. Follow the directions for cleaning the …
Health topics
… enlargement of the prostate. It may be recommended if: You have a very large prostate. You have bladder diverticula (pouches in the wall of the …
Health topics
… 10- to 15-minute session usually is all that's needed. When your head is firmly moved into different positions, the … ear where it will no longer cause symptoms. Two manoeuvres have been used successfully: the Epley manoeuvre and the …
Health topics
… Manage Stress for Your Heart On this page: Overview … Everyone has some stress. But stress can be bad for your heart. If you have heart disease, stress can lead to angina symptoms and …
Health topics
… usually affect a woman's ability to conceive. But if you are having a lupus flare or are taking corticosteroid medicines, you may have irregular menstrual cycles. This can make it hard to …
Health topics
… nodes, more lymph nodes may be removed. Most people who have breast-conserving surgery also have radiation therapy . You may also have chemotherapy , hormone therapy , or both. … a few days. But be sure to wait for your doctor to tell you when you can start with more strenuous physical activity. …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Concerns about money can strain your relationships, make it hard to sleep, and take a toll on your mental health. Getting … budget, there are things you can do to reward yourself. When you reach a milestone on the way to a big goal, do …
Health topics
… causes leg cramps during pregnancy. Here are some things you can do to help relieve a leg cramp. Stretch your leg … DVT may cause your calf or thigh to ache or feel tender when you touch or squeeze it or when you stand or move. The … feel warm, and look redder than the other leg. If you have any leg pain that doesn't go away (especially with leg …
Health topics
… what is expected by adults. Teens understand that others have differing viewpoints. But they often firmly believe … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… appears reddened and does not blanch (lose colour briefly when you press your finger on it then remove your finger). In a … isn't an open wound but the tissues beneath the surface have been damaged, the sore is called a deep tissue injury …