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Health topics
… the 41-year-old mother of two. "It hardly ever worked." When a migraine got really bad, Carole would take her … migraines. The preventive medicine has helped. "I used to have a couple migraines a week some months. Now I go several … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… These systemic symptoms occur especially in people who have severe disease. Problems associated with rheumatoid … organ involved in making blood and immune cells) may occur. When these problems occur together, it is called Felty's … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Some government services may pay in part or in full for your child's adult care, depending upon different factors, such as your income. Become familiar with tax issues and estate planning to ensure that your child will have proper care and necessary resources available should …
Health topics
… without aura (common migraine). Most people with migraines have common migraines. This type of migraine causes a … to severe and gets worse with normal physical activity. You also may have nausea and vomiting and may feel worse … often happens after age 50 if you had migraines with aura when you were younger. The symptoms may include streaks or …
Health topics
… Depression screening is a quick way for a doctor to see if your child has symptoms of depression. This screening is … used to be fun. Changes in appetite. Weight gain or loss. Sleeping more or less than usual. Not wanting to spend time … and more. Teens and older children with depression may also have other conditions. These might be anxiety, attention …
Health topics
… Overview Collecting breast milk is a way of giving your baby breast milk in a bottle. If you collect milk, you can store it so you don't have to use it right away. Why store breast milk? Storing …
Health topics
… Overview Many people worry about going to the dentist. You may be very nervous and may actually feel sick to your … feel less nervous about it. Ask your dentist to tell you when they are moving from one step in a procedure to another … afternoon, or Saturday may be the best time, as you may not have to worry about missing school or work. Listen to music. …
Health topics
… can cause bleeding, pain, and a whistling sound when you inhale. If dried blood or scabs build up, you could also have trouble breathing through your nose. Many perforations …
Health topics
… treat dry AMD. Photodynamic therapy may be recommended if you can't have injections of medicines to treat your AMD or if these … After treatment, avoid direct sunlight for 2 to 5 days. And when you have to be outdoors, wear dark sunglasses to …
Health topics
… is a problem with the spleen that can happen in people who have sickle cell disease . It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the … Those affected This condition is more common in infants and young children who have sickle cell disease. It may follow a …