3991 results found
Health topics
… care plan is a form. It describes the kinds of medical care you want to have if you're badly hurt or have a serious illness and … medical treatment. Do you want to donate your organs when you die? Can you talk to your doctor about end-of-life …
Health topics
… Information Overview Flexibility means being able to move your joints and muscles through their full range of motion. … look under a bed, or even tie your shoes. You will also have a better sense of balance and coordination. It's best … hips, the front and back of your thighs, and your calves. When you stretch your muscles: Do it slowly. Stretching is …
Health topics
… posture and good body mechanics can help prevent tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. If your … headaches. Use good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have a headache or back pain. Here are some things you can …
Health topics
… Checking Blood Sugar in a Child Actionset Overview You and your child need to know when your child's blood sugar level is outside the target … habit of self-testing. Gather your supplies. Be sure you have everything you need to test your child's blood sugar. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Use this form for any tests your doctor recommends, such as blood tests, urine tests, or … example, food, exercise, medicine, alcohol, or smoking)? When will the results be available? Date I will be notified … or other information about the test. State any concerns you have about the test. If the benefits of a test don't seem to …
Health topics
… is placed during the same surgery as mastectomy. But often you will have two surgeries. The doctor will first place a tissue … to help stretch the skin. This may take several months. When the right size is reached, the expander is taken out …
Health topics
… Getting Started These ideas can help you manage constipation caused by cancer or cancer … be sure to follow them. Drink plenty of fluids. If you have heart failure or kidney failure, talk to your doctor … a bowel movement. Support your feet with a small step stool when you sit on the toilet. This helps flex your hips and …
Health topics
… release of urine during activities that put pressure on your bladder, such as coughing or laughing. The tension-free … designed to provide support for a sagging urethra so that when you cough or move vigorously or suddenly, the urethra … you may remain in the hospital overnight. You may need to have a thin, flexible tube ( catheter ) placed into your …
Health topics
… Stroke: Your Rehabilitation Team On this page: Overview Overview Your stroke rehab team may include doctors and nurses who … car. Use tools and devices that can help if you no longer have full use of both hands. For example, velcro can replace …
Health topics
… Childbirth Afterpains On this page: Overview Overview … also help shrink the uterus back to the size it was before you were pregnant. You are most likely to notice these pains when you breastfeed. Breastfeeding triggers the release of …