3997 results found
Health topics
… to set a temporary basal rate: for example, you can tell your pump to give you less insulin while you go for a jog. … to "remember" how much insulin you have used for both your basal rate and your meal boluses. Insulin companies also offer other …
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your … with violence or have suffered abuse. List any witnesses, including police officers, who may help your case. Show the … you must: Inform the court of your specific safety needs, including when you are at work, those of your children, and …
Health topics
… For Achilles tendinopathy , physiotherapy can decrease your pain. It can allow you to gradually return to your normal activities. For an Achilles tendon rupture, you … and flexibility exercises. These are key to helping your tendon heal without shortening and causing long-term …
Health topics
… Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to reduce your risk of future problems. Medicines and counselling can … goals. Losing even a small amount of weight can improve your overall health and reduce your risk for further heart problems. Lower high blood …
Health topics
… This is called presbyopia . You may start to notice that your near vision becomes blurred. As presbyopia gets worse, … you're farsighted. The examination includes questions about your eyesight and a physical examination of your eyes. Other vision tests, such as a slit lamp …
Health topics
… should discuss the benefits and harms of mammograms with your doctor. He or she can help you decide when to start and how often to have a mammogram. Your doctor can help you find a breast cancer screening program in your area. For people who are at average risk for breast …
Health topics
… of all types to help you stay as independent as possible. Your therapist will help you find which exercises are best … or do yoga. Exercises: Stretch and strengthen muscles. Get your heart and lungs working harder. Help you with your balance. You'll also learn how to cool off between …
Health topics
… The deep brain stimulator (DBS) is implanted under your skin on your upper chest near your collarbone. A wire under the skin connects the device …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started If your plate includes lots of colourful vegetables, your healthy meal is off to a good start. Include a type of … use healthy fats, such as olive or canola oil. Flavour your foods with herbs and lemon instead of salt. Here are a …
Health topics
… Heartburn usually improves or goes away after childbirth. Heartburn can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux … focus first on making lifestyle changes, such as changing your eating habits. Some non-prescription medicines are generally safe during pregnancy. But talk to your doctor or midwife before you use them. How is heartburn …