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Health topics
… you can comfortably and easily put drops or ointment in your eyes or someone else's. Eyedrops and eye ointments can deliver medicine directly to your eyes, keep your eyes moist, and help with redness, itching, and …
Health topics
… Basics What is motion sickness? If you've ever been sick to your stomach on a rocking boat or a bumpy airplane ride, you … It doesn't cause long-term problems, but it can make your life miserable, especially if you travel a lot. … What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of your balance-sensing system (your inner ear, eyes, and …
Health topics
… outside of the family, as well as disruptions to your family's normal routines. Here's how to cope. Try to … schedule. Keep things as normal as you can by keeping to your routines. For example, go to bed at the same time each … or read a favourite book. Talk to each other about your feelings. Let others know if you're scared, sad, or …
Health topics
… the procedure. The doctor will start by numbing (freezing) your gums with a local anesthetic . The doctor may use a … the gum tissue, the doctor may put a temporary putty over your gum line. This will protect your gums while they heal. You can eat soft foods and drink …
Health topics
… whether to adopt, think about: Why you want a child. Your feelings about not being genetically related to your child. How will you deal with maybe not knowing much about your child's genetic background? Your feelings about …
Health topics
… for keeping up their energy and their milk production. Help yourself sleep well Avoid or limit caffeine, especially in … or phone if they keep you from getting to sleep. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Try using a sleep mask to help you sleep. Take a warm bath before bed. Make your own sleep routine. Try to have the same bedtime and …
Health topics
… the bony bumps you can feel on the inside and outside of your elbow. Tendinopathy or epicondylopathy is a term used … collectively. These terms aren't yet universally used. Your doctor may still use the term tendinitis or … pain during work, play, or daily activities: Strengthen your wrist, arm, shoulder, and back muscles to help protect …
Health topics
… tell you the benefits and risks of the test, and answer your questions. But you make the decision about whether to … tested first to identify the changed gene that might run in your family. Then you give a blood sample, which is screened … Testing another family member also may be important in case your family's DNA is unusual in some way that might affect …
Health topics
… and dementia . Normally, the "feel" and "express" parts of your brain work together. But with PBA, the expressive part of your brain can trigger behaviour on its own. Laughing or … usual relief after crying or laughing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose PBA based on your symptoms and …
Health topics
… may help you feel better and relieve stress. It also keeps your heart, lungs, and muscles strong and helps you feel less tired. It also may improve your immune system, which can help you fight infection. Be sure to talk with your doctor before you start an exercise program, especially …