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… implanted in the eye. They may also be used to treat eye diseases, such as keratoconus or damage to the cornea caused … implanted in the eye. They may also be used to treat eye diseases, such as keratoconus or damage to the cornea caused …
Health topics
… common in people who take steroid medicines or who have diseases that affect the immune system, such as rheumatoid … hip and total knee arthroplasty. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70(12): 2082–2088. DOI: 10.1136/ard.2010.148726. … common in people who take steroid medicines or who have diseases that affect the immune system, such as rheumatoid …
Health topics
Health topics
… isn't as good at finding Down syndrome or genetic diseases. Quad screening The quad screen finds 75 out of 100 … isn't as good at finding Down syndrome or genetic diseases. Quad screening The quad screen finds 75 out of 100 … isn't as good at finding Down syndrome or genetic diseases. Quad screening The quad screen finds 75 out of 100 …
Health topics