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Health topics
Health topics
… a long time; or you have other heart, lung, or metabolic diseases, such as diabetes. Your doctor or QEP can help you … a long time; or you have other heart, lung, or metabolic diseases, such as diabetes. Your doctor or QEP can help you …
Health topics
… of lung function. It is used to: Diagnose obstructive lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary … of lung function. It is used to: Diagnose obstructive lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary …
Health topics
… arteries (such as copper or calcium), you may slow down diseases such as atherosclerosis. Research has not proved … Many people report less pain from chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma after … arteries (such as copper or calcium), you may slow down diseases such as atherosclerosis. Research has not proved …
Health topics
… prescribe corrective lenses, or diagnose or treat eye diseases. All provinces require completion of a 1- to 4-year … prescribe corrective lenses, or diagnose or treat eye diseases. All provinces require completion of a 1- to 4-year …
Health topics
… blood, contains antibodies that protect the body against diseases. When you are given an immunoglobulin, your body … from blood, they are purified so that they can't pass on diseases to the person who receives them. Specific types of immunoglobulin are made to protect against specific diseases. Immunoglobulin injections may: Give short-term …
Health topics
… body. Joint pain can be an early symptom of many different diseases. In RA, symptoms often develop slowly over a period … to the diagnosis. Your doctor will then rule out other diseases that can cause similar symptoms. Diagnosis is based … body. Joint pain can be an early symptom of many different diseases. In RA, symptoms often develop slowly over a period …
Health topics
… causes it? Causes of malabsorption syndrome may include: Diseases affecting the intestine itself, such as celiac … . Absence or low levels of certain digestive enzymes. Diseases of the pancreas, such as chronic pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis . Diseases caused by parasites, such as giardiasis or worms. …
Health topics
… saliva allows bacteria to grow, causing bad breath. From diseases that affect the salivary glands, such as Sjögren's … saliva allows bacteria to grow, causing bad breath. From diseases that affect the salivary glands, such as Sjögren's …