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Health topics
… and bleeding under the nails. Your doctor may also do tests, such as: Blood cultures. These tests look for bacteria in your bloodstream. Echocardiogram. … imaging) test or a CT scan. These may be done as additional tests to check your heart for problems. How is endocarditis …
Health topics
… younger than 50 very rarely have GCA. The doctor may order tests too. These may include: Temporal artery biopsy. For … is common in people who have giant cell arteritis. Blood tests such as sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. These tests can show if you have inflammation in your body. Some …
Health topics
… around a person who has SARS. Your doctor may order several tests to find out the cause of your symptoms. A chest X-ray … or viruses. Your doctor may suspect that you have SARS if tests rule out any other cause for your symptoms, especially … an area experiencing a SARS outbreak. In this case, blood tests may be done to detect substances in your blood ( …
Health topics
… find out how well dialysis is working, you will have blood tests that look at the level of urea in your blood. Usually these tests are done once a month, at the start of your session … is called the urea reduction ratio (URR). The Kt/V and URR tests are not the only ways to tell how well dialysis is …
Health topics
… The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) recommends screening (tests) to detect lazy eye ( amblyopia ), misaligned eyes ( … Problems Early Nearsightedness (Myopia) Strabismus Vision Tests Citations Community Paediatrics Committee, … The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) recommends screening (tests) to detect lazy eye ( amblyopia ), misaligned eyes ( …
Health topics
Health topics
… type of work you do and how you feel. You will need regular tests, such as a CT scan or an ultrasound , to check for … a surgery. If you are able and willing to have the yearly tests that are needed after endovascular repair. Testing is … type of work you do and how you feel. You will need regular tests, such as a CT scan or an ultrasound , to check for …
Health topics
… ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor may do tests such as: An endoscopy . During this test, the doctor … ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor may do tests such as: An endoscopy . During this test, the doctor …
Health topics
… growths. If needed, your doctor may also do one or more tests to find out what's causing heavy periods. These tests may include: A fluid sample from your cervix or … A Pap or HPV test. This screens for cervical cancer. Blood tests. These can check for anemia, a bleeding disorder, or …
Health topics
… that a child has the disease, he or she will do some tests to find out more. These tests may include X-rays and a test to measure how well the muscles in the anus are working. Sometimes these tests can provide enough information to make a diagnosis. …