1264 results found
Health topics
… may be done to find out if your baby needs treatment. More tests may be needed if the doctor thinks that a health … may be done to find out if your baby needs treatment. More tests may be needed if the doctor thinks that a health …
Health topics
… acuity) and side (peripheral) vision. These routine vision tests don't find retinal detachment itself. But they can … acuity) and side (peripheral) vision. These routine vision tests don't find retinal detachment itself. But they can …
Health topics
… In some cases, you may need a chest X-ray or other tests. These tests are to make sure that you don't have pneumonia, … Age 11 and Younger Respiratory Problems, Age 12 and Older Tests for Lung Infections Using Antibiotics Wisely …
Health topics
… for cancer cells. If cancer is found, you'll have more tests to see if the cancer has spread. Cancer cells from the … be tested to find out more about the cancer. For example, tests can show if the cancer cells have receptors for … for cancer cells. If cancer is found, you'll have more tests to see if the cancer has spread. Cancer cells from the …
Health topics
… foot. How is it diagnosed? An aneurysm may be found during tests for another, usually unrelated, condition. You may have regular tests to find out the size of the aneurysm. Tests can include ultrasound, a CT scan , or an MRI . How is …
Health topics
… or tuberculosis. Your doctor may want you to have some tests, including an echocardiogram , electrocardiogram , chest X-ray, and blood tests. How is pericarditis treated? If there are no other … Chest Problems Heart Failure Medical Tests: Questions to Ask the Doctor Adaptation Date: …
Health topics
… Test a urine sample to see if you have an infection. Do tests to see how you urinate, which can help you and your … Test a urine sample to see if you have an infection. Do tests to see how you urinate, which can help you and your …
Health topics
Health topics
… diagnosed from a physical examination and medical history. Tests that may be done to rule out breast cancer include … ultrasound, mammogram, and a breast biopsy. Other lab tests, such as a blood test, may be done to check hormone … diagnosed from a physical examination and medical history. Tests that may be done to rule out breast cancer include …
Health topics
… of your vertigo is not clear, your doctor may do other tests. These may include a hearing test (audiometry), balance tests, or an MRI to rule out other problems. How is … of your vertigo is not clear, your doctor may do other tests. These may include a hearing test (audiometry), …